
发布 2022-11-26 06:45:28 阅读 9032

t: hello boys and girls. how are you?

s: hello. miss huang. i’m fine, thank you. and how are you?

t: i’m very well. thank you.

one little ,two little,three little fingers. begin.


one little ,two little,three little fingers. begin.

step 2 presentation (呈现新知)

1、 leading in

t: today we are going to learn module 4 food. and the unit1 do you like meat?(板书)

t:(课件出示一桌饭菜) i h**e some food here. i’m hungry.

i want to eat.(做吃的动作)。你们想吃吗?


2、learn new words: meat, noodles, milk, fish, rice.


2)game: read the word cards as quickly as you can.

3、do you like meat? yes, i do. /no, i don’t.

t:i like meat . do you like meat? (板书) 老师拿着卡片问学生,并引导学生用yes, i do.回答。


s: 教师拿着自己不喜欢的面条的卡片让学生问自己,do you like noodles?

t: no, i don’t.(边摇手边说) say it ,please.

s: no, i don’t.

t: ok. if you like, you should say “yes, i do.

” if you don’t like, you say “no, i don’t.”

(教师先示范,通过体态语言和脸部表情展示yes, i do. /no, i don’t.)

step 3. practice and consolidation (操练和巩固)

1、 小组比赛。


t: now,i will divide you to 4 will h**e a match.

2、 男女生比赛。


t:now,boys ask and girls ask and boys answer.

3、 师生对话。师生间角色呼唤,利用学生的虚荣心,激励学生大胆举手。

t:now,i cant read it. i need somebody teach wants to try?

s: i want to try.

t: oh,you are so geart. thank you!

pair work.

s1: do you like meat?

s2: yes, i do. /no, i don’t.

step 4 summary(总结)

t: ok. boys and girls, you did a good job.

look at the blackboard, please. what did we learn?

s: 引导学生读黑板上的句子。

step 5survey


step6 game

step 7 homework (家庭作业)

1、ask your father or mother what he or she likes.

2、copy the words: noodles, milk, meat, fish, rice and pass me for 4 times.

板书设计 module 4 food unit 1

g1 g2 g3 g4

do you like meat?


yes, i donoodles

no, i don’trice



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