
发布 2022-11-10 09:35:28 阅读 8083



ybfw itnt

holg jdeq


( )1、a、duck b、runc、pig d、fun

( )2、a、pear b、watermelon c、grape d、fruit

( )3、a、eleven b、twelve c、twenty d、number

( )4、a、in b、onc、where d、under

( )5、a、china b、ukc、usa d、sarah

) 6、a、 banana b、 pear c 、 short

7、a、 pencil b 、car c 、 ruler

8、a、 pencil b、 book c、 school

9、a、 dog b、 pig c、 play

10. a、 red b、 one c、 green

11. a、 girl b、 teacher c 、 bus

12. a、 class b、 school c、 pen

13、a、 chinese b、 english c 、class

14、a、 mother b、 father c、 teacher

15、a 、twelve b 、five c 、box



1. i’m from

a: ukb: usa

cat is the chair

a: inb: under

3.--how many caps do you see? -i see

a: elevenb: seven

mouse has a tail

a: shortb: long

5.--who’s that boyis my brother.

a: heb: he

6is that woman---she is my english teacher ,miss chen .

a where b who c what

7.--how many __can you seenineteen.

a kite b kites c cat

8. i __a new friend .her name is alice .

a amb h**e c has

9. -who is that girlis my sister .

a ib hec she

10are you fromi’m from america .

a where b who c how many

11.--happy women’s day ! miss white

a. happy women’s day b thank you c good idea


ab1. what’s thata. i h**e thirteen pencils

2. who’s that womanb. that’s a pen.

3 . how are youc. i’m from china.

4,. how old are youd. how do you do ?

5. where are you fromm、i can see 11.

6. how many monkeys can you see? e. i’m fine.

7. can i h**e some ice-creamf. she is my mother.

8. how many pencils do you h**e ? g. i’m eleven

your motherh. i can see twenty-two monkeys .

do you doi. sure.

11. can i use your penj、yes, i do .

12. do you like bananask、she’s my mother

14. how many cats can you seel、it’s under the chair.

15. where is the ballm、sure.


1.当别人问你来自**时,回答:__a: i’m amy. b:i’m from australia.

2.当你看到一只大象, 说a:wow! it’s so big and tall. b:it has small a body and a tail.

3.你问别人有多少支蜡笔,说a: how many crayons do you h**e? b : how many crayon?

4.别人问你的钢笔在**时,你回答a:oh,where is my pen? b:oh, it’s in my pencilbox.

5.当别人不喜欢苹果,你想表达你也是时用a:me, too! b: me ,neither!

6.当你想展示自己的新蜡笔时,可以说a、it's my crayons b. look at my new crayons

7. 当别人问你叫什么名字时, 应回答说a. my name is li mei. b. i’m from america. .

8.当你很惊讶地看到一只大鹅时, 应说a. what a big goose! b. how beautiful!

9.当你把物品给别人时, 应说a. it’s here. b. here you are.

10.当你正在找玩具汽车时, 应说a. where is my taxi? b. where is my car?


9、 补全单词。(5分)

( )a. e b. a c. u

( )l a. ai b. ir c. ur

( )k a. oo b. ou c. ow

( )4._ ac_ a. bl,k b. al,k c. pl,k

( )era b. a ir c. are


a. tiger







giraffe is so tall.

man is my grandpa.

rabbit has a short tail.

panda has black eyes.

mouse is so small.


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