2023年中考英语全真模拟试题 八

发布 2022-11-04 17:38:28 阅读 5174



a) 反应(共5小题,每小题1分)


; 1. what’s the weather like now?

; 2. what time is it now?

; 3. whom does jack buy the red scarf for?

a. mary. ;b. his wife. ;c. his mother.

; 4. what was the girl doing last night?

a. climbing the mountains.

b. h**ing a dream.

c. h**ing a test.

; 5. where’s jim now?

a. in the office. b. at home. c. in the symphony hall.

b) 对话理解(共10小题,每小题1分)



; 6. how many people will tom invite?

a. 4. ;b. 5. c. 6.

; 7. who will take an english exam the day after tomorrow?

a. alice. ;b. sam. c. susan.


; 8. what happened to the girl last night?

a. she saw a big animal.

b. she found a thief.

c. she heard a strange noise.

; 9. what was the weather like last night?

a. snowy. ;b. windy. ;c. rainy.


; 10. why did tony say the football belongs to bob at first?

a. it looks just like bob’s.

b. bob has come to get it.

c. bob often plays football here.

; 11. what made the two speakers believe the football belongs to bob?

a. bob’s coming.

b. the photo on it.

c. the name on it.

; 12. what’s bob short for?

a. robert. ;b. james. ;c. jackson.


; 13. what did they see?

a. they saw a man coming out of a shop.

b. they saw some policemen on duty.

c. ;they saw some children running in the street.

; 14. what’s on the man’s shoulder?

a. a he**y bed. b. a light bag. c. a he**y bag.

; 15. what will the boy do?

a. he will follow the thief. b. he will call the police. c. he will ask for help.

c) 笔录要点(共5小题,每小题2分)


第二部分知识运用(共两节, 计20分)

第一节语法填空 (10小题,计10分)


; 21. —how are you going to the train station to meet your aunt?

i’m going there __my car.

a. in b. at ; c. on

; 22. he invited some classmates to come to his party, but __came.

a. little ; b. a few ; c. few

; 23. —the passage is too hard to understand.

yes, _it’s very short and there are no new words in it.

a. so ; b. as ; c. though

; 24. this book __lucy’s. look!her name is on the book cover.

a. must be b. may be ; c. can’t be

; 25. hainan island is __of china.

a. a second largest island

b. the second largest islands

c. the second largest island

; 26. he always makes his little brother __

a. cry ; b. to cry ; c. crying

; 27. miss green didn’t tell us __before she came to our school.

a. where does she live b. where she lived c. where she had lived

; 28. many old buildings near the river __next year and a beautiful park will appear.

a. will pull down ; b. are pulled down c. will be pulled down

; 29. i’m so hungry. please give me __to eat.

a. three bread b. three pieces of bread c. three pieces of breads

; 30. —who is your f**orite singer?

i like singers __can write their own songs.

a. which ; b. who ; c. where

第二节词语填空 (10小题,计10分)

通读下面的短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从各题所给的a、b、c三个选项中选出一个最佳答案。

around the world, people h**e different ideas about what good manners are.

when you go to restaurants in different parts of the world, it’s ; 31 ; to know the right and wrong things to do. for example, in china it’s ok to ; 32 ; a lot of noise in a restaurant. in fact, if a restaurant isn’t ; 33 ; or lively, you may think there’s something wrong with it.

however, in many western countries, restaurants are quiet places. if a table is too loud, other people who are eating there might even ; 34 ; to the owner of the restaurant.

2023年中考英语全真模拟试题 六

作者 中学生英语 中考指导版 2015年第05期。第一部分听力技能 共三节,计25分 a 反应 共5小题,每小题1分 根据你听到的对话,选择正确的答案回答问题。听完每个对话后,你都有5秒钟的时间来作答和阅读下一小题。1.which was not invented by chinese?2.what...


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