
发布 2022-11-01 16:11:28 阅读 6658






6.what day is it today?

a.tuesdayb.wednesdayc. thursday.

7.what’s the woman’s hobby? a.fishing. b.swimming. c. hiking.

8.how is the weather in march in tianjin? a.windy. b.mild. c. rainy.

9. where does the conversation most probably happen?

a.in a bookshop. b.in a restaurantc. in a clothing shop.

10.what does the marl(man) mean?

a.someone else will take the seat.b.the woman can take the seat.

c.the man will take the seat himself.

11.how old is the girl?



12.how far is the history museum?

a. about 4 kilometers away. b.about 5 kilometers away. c.about 6 kilometers away.

13.how will the woman go to the museum?

a.by bikeb.on footc.by bus.

14.when does the museum open in the morning?

a.at 8:00b.at 8:30. c. at 9:00.


kind of home does li wei live in?

a.a farmhouse. b.a townhouse. c.an apartment building.

16. which floor does jane live on?

a.the second floor. b.the fourth floor. c.the eighth floor.

17. who is looking for an apartment?

a.alanb.jane’s parents. c.li wei’s parents.


18. where will they study together this evening?

a.in the classroom. b.in linda’s house. c.in nick’s house.

19. who will help nick with his chemistry?

a. lindab.simonc.nick’s teacher.

20. when will they go to the library?

a.at noonb.in the afternoonc.in the evening.


21. the farmer had___lambs.


22. the white lambs thought the black lamb was___

a.friendlyb. uglyc.beautiful

23. the farmer g**e bad food to

a.the black lambb.the white lambsc.all the lambs

24. the lambs couldn’t find the way home on a___day .

a.rainyb.windyc. snowy

25. the farmer found the lambs as soon as he

a.saw the black one b.saw the white ones c.heard the sound of the lambs



a: bill, we’re too tired these days. 31

b: ok. where would you like to go?

a: some new films are on this week. shall we go to the cinema?

b: 32 which film would you like to see?

a: let me look through the news*****. er … how about coming home?

b: yeah, i’ve heard of it. it’s so moving! 33

a: cross is a little far. let’s go to ume.

b: good. but look at the sky! 34

a: yes. the news***** says it will be rainy tonight.

b: 35

a: the film will begin in two hours. we can go there after super.

b: all right.


amy mother only had one eye. i never wanted her to show up at my school.

one day during elementary school, i was terribly ill. my mother came.

"your mom only has one eye! "yelled some of my classmates. i wished my mother would

h**e just disappeared(消失).

if you embarrass me, why don't you just die?" i shouted at her, taking no notice of the sad look on her face. my mother just handed me some medicine and left without saying anything.

at that time, i didn't think i had hurt her feelings very much. that night i saw my mom crying in her room. even so, i hated her tears from one eye.

i made a decision: i must study hard and le**e my mother.

years later my dream came true. i was quite successful. i never thought of going back to see my "ugly" mother until one day i got a letter.

"my son, i'm sorry i only h**e one eye. when you were little, you got into an accident and lost your eye. as a mom, i couldn't stand watching you live with only one eye.

so i g**e you mine. i was never angry with you and i never regretted it because i love you."

i cried out aloud. only then did i realize how beautiful my mother was!

36. why didn't the writer want his mom to show up at his school?

a. because he thought she was ugly. b. because his mom had a terrible illness.

2024年中考英语模拟试题 二

片九年级中考模拟考试英语试题卷2014.3 命题单位 命题人 审核人 考生须知 1.全卷满分为120分,考试时间为100分钟。2.请用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔写在答题纸的相应位置上,答在试卷上无效。卷 说明 本卷共有四大题,55小题,满分80分。第一部分听力部分。一 听力 共15小题,满分25分 第一...


时间 120分钟,分值 120分。亲爱的同学们 本试题分第i卷和第ii卷两部分。第i卷70分,第ii卷50分,共120分,考试时间为120分钟。愿你放松心情,放飞思维,充分发挥,争取交一份圆满的答卷。第i卷 选择题共70分 一 听力理解 每题1分,共20分 一 听下面5个句子。每个句子后有一个小题,...

2024年中考英语模拟试题 三

听力部分 共25分 i 对话理解 20分,每小题1分 a 在这一部分,你将听到5个小对话,在每个对话后你会听到一个问题,每个对话和问题读两遍,请你从a b c三个选项中找出回答该问题的选项。1 a he is a doctor b he is a driver c he is a farmer 2 ...