2024年中考英语模拟试题 三

发布 2022-11-01 16:10:28 阅读 2601




1.a.he is a doctor.b.he is a driver.c.he is a farmer.

2.a.about the food.b.about the weather.c.about the work.

3.a.that evening.b.that morning.c.the next morning.

4.a.her leg was broken.b.she doesn't h**e a ticket.

c.she is going to see her aunt.

5.a.to write a letter to mr.white.b.to see mr.white him self.

c.to call mr.white by phone.


dialogue a

6.a.susan,frank and tony.b.frank,tony and john.

c.susan,tony and john.

7.a.they did their homework.b.they planted some flowers.

c.they went swimming.

8.a.to h**e a swim .b.to help mr.smith.

c.to play football again.

9.a.yes,she m eans that.b.no,she doesn't.

c.yes,she said that.

10.a.he will play football with him .b.he will give him some flowers.

c.he will give him money for his work.

dialogue b

11.a.it means the possibility of harm or loss.

b.it means“run away quickly”.

c.it means“hands up”.

12.a.a special signal of a country.

b.the international signal for help.

c.an international signal of sports.

13.a.on packing boxes of goods.b.on any box of food.

c.on any box of wood.

14.a.no parking b.danger c.play,pause,stop

15.a.hours b.no parking c.office hours

dialogue c

16.a.to live in the school.b.to stop schooling.c.to go out to play.

17.a.his teachers.b.his parents.c.his neighbors.

18.a.they didn't m ind.b.they disagreed with him.

c.they agreed with him .

19.a.it was too hot inside the house.

b.he was tired of his parents'quarreling.

c.he had to tell his teachers about it.

20.a.they are brother and sister.b.they are teacher and student.

c.they are strangers.



21.where was nat going to spend his holiday last year?

22.which side do people drive on in madrid?

23.what happened while nat was crossing a busy street?

24.how long did he lie on the ground?

25.what did the old man want to do?




26.he was not the only person on the spot.there were five other studentshim who saw the accident.

a.except b.except for c.beside d.besides

27.it was very late in the night but the old professor stillworking.

a.started b.kept c.liked d.stopped

28.thattrue,but i don't think most people will believe it.

a.feels b.sounds c.listens d.tastes

29.during the war,this big housea hospital.now it is a store house.

a.was used for b.was used with c.used to d.used as

30.you are theman i want.i h**e been looking for you for years.

a.nice b.very c.wrong d.quite

31.when she finished her work,shethe seashore to h**e a swim.

a.left for b.left c.cam e for d.cam e

32.i can't find my train timetable,so i h**e to go to the station tothe exact time when our train le**es.

a.find b.look c.find out d.look out

33.it is the hardest time we h**e ever had .during that time,we ate almost anything.

a.to live on b.living on c.to be lived on d.being lived

34.he is veryin china and everyone,old and young,likes him very much.

a.polluted b.portable c.possible d.popular

35.well,i'm sure he will return.just sit here and wait for him .

a.long before b.long c.before d.before long

36.we h**e to work on.there are still 100 more trees before we take a rest.

a.planted b.to plant c.growed d.to grow

37.her grandpa was ill in bed she had to stay at home.

a.so b.since c.so that d.but

38.he spokefor us to hear him clearly.

a.quickly enough b.enough quickly c.loudly enough d.enough loudly

39.all of the students except johnlunch at home.he lives far away from our school.

a.has b.h**e c.brings d.bring

40.turn your radio down please.it's.and i can't stand it.

a.very nice b.very quiet c.too noisy d.really pleasant




he didn't the liberation of his country.


时间 120分钟,分值 120分。亲爱的同学们 本试题分第i卷和第ii卷两部分。第i卷70分,第ii卷50分,共120分,考试时间为120分钟。愿你放松心情,放飞思维,充分发挥,争取交一份圆满的答卷。第i卷 选择题共70分 一 听力理解 每题1分,共20分 一 听下面5个句子。每个句子后有一个小题,...

2024年中考英语模拟试题 二

片九年级中考模拟考试英语试题卷2014.3 命题单位 命题人 审核人 考生须知 1.全卷满分为120分,考试时间为100分钟。2.请用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔写在答题纸的相应位置上,答在试卷上无效。卷 说明 本卷共有四大题,55小题,满分80分。第一部分听力部分。一 听力 共15小题,满分25分 第一...


第 卷。一 听力测试 30分 a.句子理解 听句子,从所给的三幅图中选出与你所听到的句子情景相同 相近 的图画。b 对话理解 根据你所听到的对话内容,选择最佳选项。每段对话读两遍 15分 第一节听下面6段短对话,回答第6至11小题。6 what day is it today?a tuesdayb ...