2024年中考英语模拟试题 二

发布 2022-11-01 16:08:28 阅读 5882


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卷 ⅰ说明:本卷共有四大题,55小题, 满分80分。




1. what sport can jack play well?

a. b. c.

2. what animal are the speakers talking about?

ab. c.

3. how did mary keep in touch with her parents?

a. b. c.

4. how can the man get to the summer palace?

a. b. c.

5. where does the dialogue happen?

a. b. c.

第二节:听长对话,从a、b、c三个选项中选出正确的选项,回答问题。(共5小题, 每小题2分,满分10分)


6. when does the zoo open?

a. at 7:30b. at 8:30c. at 9:30.

7. what can the visitors do in the zoo?

a. eat delicious foodb. watch dolphion shows. c. run after monkeys.


8. who did kate go for a picnic with?

a. her parentsb. her friendsc. some strangers.

9. how was peter’s weekend?

a. boringb. excitingc. amazing.

10. what can we learn from this conversation? stayed at home all day on sunday.

b. peter had a big dinner out on sunday.

c. the outdoor concert was great on sunday.


11. a. excellentb. patientc. special

12. a. threeb. sixc. nine

13. a. thurdayb. fridayc. saturday

14. a. listeningb. readingc. writing

15. a. 8473625 b. 7843625c. 7483625




16. it’s really __hard work for me to finish the job in twenty minutes.

a. ab. anc. thed. /

17. the little girl with her classmates __talking loudly when the teacher came into the


a. isb. arec. wasd. were

18. —bob!is this your dictionary?

no, it isn’t. ask sally. she is looking for .

a. hisb. hersc. mined. yours

19. the cake looks __and it sells

a. well; wellb. well; goodc. good; goodd. good; well

20. linlin often practises english chatting with her american friends.

a. inb. byc. ford. with

21. i’m afraid that there is no for you in my car, because there are already four people.

a. landb. groundc. roomd. floor

22youthe poem if?

yes, it is so wonderful and i really enjoy it.

a. h**e, readb. did, readc. will, readd. were, reading

23. —dear, what time is the flight to new york on saturday?

wait a minute . let mein the schedule (时刻表).

a. look at itb. look for itc. look after itd. look it up

24will it take you from your school to the library?

about half an hour. so i’ll be there at about 10:00.

a. how farb. how soonc. how longd. how much

25. —you are always talking about your pet dog. what’s it like?

a. it likes meatb. it’s three years old

c. it’s small and cuted. it likes playing with me



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2024年中考英语模拟试题 三

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