
发布 2022-11-04 17:37:28 阅读 2821



) 1. a. mondayb. monkeyc. mutton

) 2. a. thursdayb. tuesdayc. tasty

) 3. a. freshb. fruitc. fish

) 4. a. tall and kindb. short and strongc. thin and quiet

) 5. a. the apples are sweet.

b. the potatoes are salty. c.

the grapes are sour.


sarah: what do you do on

chen: i oftenand

sarah: what do you do on

chen: i often

sarah: that’s great!



) 1. how old is ma ling?

a. 10b. 11c. 12

) 2. what’s ma ling’s f**ourite food?

a. mutton and vegetables. b. mutton and tofu. c. chicken and vegetables.

) 3. what’s ma ling’s f**ourite class?

a. art and computer class. b. math and art class. c. english and art class.

) 4. what does ma ling do on weekends?

a. do homeworkb. read books. c. watch tv.

) 5. what’s ma ling’s f**ourite teacher like?

a. thin and funnyb. short and kind. c. young and active.


1. sun. (完整形式2. do not (缩略形式。

3. active (反义词4. dad (同义词。

5. two (同音词。


1. is mr hu tall? (改为肯定句)

2. your, what, like, is, new, teacher, art (?连词成句)

3. do you h**e noodles作肯定回答)

4. my f**ourite teacher is my father. (英译中)

5. what is day it today改错句)

八. 情景对话。给左边的问句选择正确的答语,把其编号写到左边的括号里。

) 1. who’s your english teachera. yes, he is.

) 2. is he strictb. it’s monday.

) 3. what day is it todayc. mr green.

) 4. what do you do on sundayd. play football.


zip: what’s your f**ourite fruit, monkey?

monkey: i like apples. they’re sweet.

rabbit: i like fruit. but i don’t like grapes. they’re sour.

bananas are my f**ourite. they’re tasty.

zip: i like carrot juice. it’s fresh and healthy. what about you, zoom?

zoom: i like beef, but i’m he**y now. i h**e to eat vegetables.

) 1. monkey likes apples. they’re sweet.

) 2. rabbit likes grapes, because they’re sour.

) 3. bananas are rabbit’s f**ourite furit.

) 4. zip likes carrot juice.

) 5. zoom likes vegetables.


1. hello! i’m li ping.

i am 11 years old. i study in deqing school. my f**ourite day is monday, because i like and computer class.

fish and rice are my f**ourite food. the apples and grapes are sweet, they’re my f**ourite fruit.

2. hi! my name is wang hong.

i’m in class 1, grade 5. my f**ourite day is friday. we h**e music and art class.

my f**ourite food are beef and noodles. my f**ourite fruit are pears and bananas.


1. mutton2. tuesday3. fresh

4. short and strong5. the grapes are sour.


sarah: what do you do on saturdays?

chen: i often do homework, read books and watch tv.

sarah: what do you do on sundays?

chen: i often play ping-pong.

sarah: that’s great!


my name is ma ling. i am 12 years old. i study in shiyan school.

chicken and vegetables are my f**ourite food. we h**e math and art class on wednesday. wednesday is a great day!

i watch tv on weekends. i love weekends. my f**ourite teacher is mr li.

he’s our art teacher. he is thin and funny.


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