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unit 8 section a学案导学(七上)



1. 语法:学会使用when引导的特殊疑问句询问日期,运用序数词表示日期以及名词的所有格。

2. 重点句型:(1)when is your/his/her birthday?

2)my/his/her birthday is october tenth.




1. when adv. 什么时候,何时 when是一个疑问副词,常用来对时间进行提问。

练习:⑴ 你什么时候去学校。


2. birthday(n.生日)可数名词,其复数形式为birthdays

练习:⑴ 我不知道他们的生日。



练习:⑴ 1年有12个月。


4. january(n.1月) 名词,可缩写为jan. 注意月份的首字母需要大写,另外在年份、月份的前面使用介词in, 如果是具体到某一天使用介词on

练习:⑴ 在1月在1月1日。

5. 一些常见的与月份相关的节日。

spring festival (春节) →february(2月) teachers’ day→ september(9月)

national day (国庆节) →october(10月) christmas day (圣诞节) →december(12月)

6. tenth 第十 tenth 为序数词,在序数词前需加the 表示顺序,如果在序数词前有形容词性物主代词存在的话则不用加the.

练习:⑴ 第十个答案这是我的第一个问题。


1,2,3 特殊记。8去t, 9去e, ve要用f替,见y变成i和e, 最后加上th. 如果遇到几十几,只变个位就可以。

例如:one → first two → second three → third eight → eighth nine → ninth five → fifth

twenty → twentieth twenty-four → twenty-fourth


7. date 名词意思为日期 ,指几月几日 ,常用句型 what’s the date ……例如: what’s the date today?

8. happy 高兴的,愉快的,可在句子中做定语和表语,也可用于祝福别人。

she has a happy life. 她过着幸福的生活。happy 用在名词前做定语。

she is happy. 她很高兴。 happy 用在系动词be后面做表语。

happy birthday to you. 生日快乐。 祝福语。

练习:⑴ he can’t find (找到) his books. he is veryhappy).

she smiles (笑) everyday. i think she ishappy).

i can find (找到) myhappy) one day (总有一天)。

8. old adj. 年老的,年长的,反义词为young, olds n. 老年人。

9. birth n.. 出生,诞生反义词为death 死亡 , date of birth = birthday


1. when is your birthday, jeff?

when +一般疑问句常用来提问年月等较为笼统的的时间。更具体的时间常用what time 来进行提问,强调几点。

练习:⑴his birthday is june third.(划提。

my mother’s birthday is february second. (划提。


2. my birthday is october tenth.

在英语中的几月几日要先说月,再说日,其中日要用序数词,书写时序数词前的the 可以不出现,但在读的时候the必须读出来。

练习:⑴ today isit is teacher’s day

when is children’s day? it’s

when is your sister’s birthday? her birthday is

a. march tenth b. june twoth c. july oneth d. april forth

3. how old are you?

how old 的意思为多大年龄,几岁 how old +be +主语?这一句型常用来提问某日的年龄,常用的回答为主语 +be +基数词。

例如:how old are you? i am 25.

练习:⑴ 你的兄弟多大了他12岁了。








2. 单项选择

21is he?

he’s fourteen.

a. how bigb. how old c. how many d. how much

22. we h**e an english concert __july 5th each year.

a. inb. atc. ond. of

23is your art festival?

a. whatb. whenc. whichd. who

24. the boy is only __today is hisbirthday.

a. five; fiveb. fifth; five c. fifth; fifthd. five; fifth

25. sunday is the __day of a week.

a. thirdb. secondc. firstd. last

26. students don’t go to schoolsundays.

a. inb. atc. ond. to

27. –what’s the date today?

it’sa. tuesdayb. july 7th c. the second day of the week d. june

28. veraknow when jeff’s birthday is.

a. notb. isn’tc. don’td. doesn’t

29. look at the girl over there. _is my good friend and __birthday is september 11th..

a. he; hisb. he; he’s c. she; herd. she; she’s

30. our school will h**e a speechnext month.

a. gameb. tripc. contestd. concert

31. –do you h**e a school trip?

a. yes, you dob. no, i do.

c. yes, there is. d. sorry, i don’t know.

32. when isbirthday party?


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