人教版新目标九年级Unit8复习导学案 英语教案

发布 2022-11-03 02:14:28 阅读 8245

基于课程标准《unit 8 it must belong to carla.》的复习导学案。






一、单词过关:课本p162 whose --hard-working二、短语归纳:1、属于belong to2、在野餐中at the picnic3、参加**会attend a concert 4、捡起pickup 5、没什么事nothing much6、报警call the policemen7、起初at first 8、在社区里in the neighborhood9、离开go away10、在实验室里in the laboratory11、感觉困倦的feel sleepy 12、追赶run after 13、表达差异express a difference 14、添加信息add information15、不但…而且…not only…but also…16、超出,多于more than 17、和某人交流communicate with sb.

18、到达某地arrive in+地点19、一种a kindof20、有一个医疗目的h**e a medical purpose21、预防疾病prevent illness 22、保持健康keep healthy 23、指出point out 24、战胜敌人a victory over an enermy25、等待wait for 26、迟到be late for 27、通过**on the phone三、用法集萃。

wrong with…?.怎么了? to do sth.

过去常常做某事 sb. doing sth.看见某人正在做某事 fun doing sth.

做某事有乐趣 be doing sth.可能正在做某事 to do sth.尽力做某事 sb.

from doing sth.阻止某人做某事 h**e done一定已经做了… of +the +形容词的最高级+名词复数形式最…的…之一【**案】语法专项:情态动词表推测。

的用法:must用在肯定句中表示有把握的推测,意为“一定”。“must+动词原形”或“must be+现在分词”表示对现在的状态或现在正在发生的事情的推测。


hecan’t be at home.他不可能在家。

can’t/could后接be doing,表示对现在发生的动作或现在的状态进行猜测。eg:they can’t be readingin the library.


could可用于表示某事有可能发生或可能是事实,还可用于表示客气、委婉、礼貌的请求语气。eg:theplane could be delayed by fog.

飞机可能会因雾晚点。it might rain this afternoon.今天下午可能会下雨。

【教材典句】1.这是谁的排球?whose volleyball is this?

它一定是卡拉的。她喜欢排球。it mustbe carla’s.

she loves volleyball.


it could be mei’s hair it might belong to linda.3.那么它不可能被偷。

so it can’t be stolen.

达标提升案】()you know __bag it is? a.when b.who'sc.whose d.where

) man you saw at the parkbe is at work b.mightc.'t

) you find your lost key?—no, but i thinkmust h**e picked it up.

a.nobodyb.somebodyc.anybody d.everybody

) wonder___he will come back tomorrow. a.unless b.if c.though d.even() used toup early. a.get b.got c.to get d.getting


anything c.something important d.anything important

) hear someonein the room singc.singing d.sang()9.—would you like anythingsir?—no, thank you.

a.specialb.else c.mored.even

) went to hainan island on may day and had great funin the sea.

a.surf b.surfing c.surfs d.to surf

) book belongstim. a.for b.with c.to d.into() helping look for the lost boy.

a.police b.policeman c.policemend.policewoman() you must keep your roomok, mum.

a.sleepy b.tidyc.uneasyd.dirty

) a doctor when i grow up, but i'm not sure.

a.mustb.could c.cand.can't

) a dog is runningthe b.before c.at d.for()17janei like this film. it's very and b.not only; but also c.either; or d.neither; nor() gift from his friend, but he didn'tit.

a.received; accept receivec.received; receive d.accepted; accept() toybe amy' is the only kid at the picnic.

a.can b.must c.need d.can't

)20forests disappear, tigers lose their homes.

a.thoughb.unless c.as d.when


1.itmary's.它肯定是玛丽的。2.i think somebody must h**e我想肯定有人把它捡起来了。

3.one woman in the areasomethingbut it was darkshe is not sure.该地区的一位妇女看见有个东西跑过去了,但天太黑她不太确定。4.however, historian paul stoker thinks thisbecause stonehenge wasso many centuries ago.




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