
发布 2022-11-03 02:11:28 阅读 7568



to sb. =be sb.’s属于 of n./pron.因为 afraid of flying害怕坐飞机。

( not ) to do sth.尽力(不)做某事 to do= try to do sth.试图做,尽力做 fun doing做…愉快 happen to sb某人发生了某事。

happen to do sth = do sth. by accident某人碰巧作某事 to do sth=pretend that…假装做; (not ) to do sth假装(不)做; to be doing sth假装正在做… careful of sb. /sth.

留神、当心… careful ( not ) to do小心(不)做 some / any idea = know知道。

no idea = don’t know = h**e noidea of不知道 things = something / anything strange奇怪的东西。

use up sth. =sb. run out of sth.

=sth. run out sb用光、用完 much + 太多too many + pl.太多 too + adj.


on ( it )上(公共汽车,飞机等) off ( it )下(公共汽车,飞机等)

into / out of ( it )上/下(小汽车,出租车) good / bad闻起来香/不好 me laugh / happy使我发笑/高兴 to classical music听古典** to the concert去听**会 alone = all by oneself独自。

present for his mother送给她妈妈的礼物。

for exercise跑步锻炼 to catch a bus跑去赶车 final exam期末考试 a suit穿西装 the police报警 ocean of *****题海 owner of…的主人。

days最近,近来,近几天(用于现在进行时,现在完成时) dictionary汉英词典 university牛津大学。

only kid at the picnic野餐上唯一的孩子 for a picnic去野餐 a picnic进行野餐 the sky在空中。

woman with a camera一个带着相机的妇女 up形成,构成,组成 our window在窗子外面。

from=run away from逃离,从…逃出 band发带 a movie拍电影。

our neighborhood在我们附近、在我们小区 in the window从窗户过来 door neighbor隔壁邻居 one’s dream在某人梦中 crucial that关键的是…二、重点词汇1. picnic: n.

郊游野餐2. possibly: adv.

可能地;也许3. drop: v.

落下;掉下4. final: adj.

最后的;最终的5. worried: adj.


6. owner: n.所有者;物主7. sky: n.天;天空。

8. catch: v.

赶上(车船等);抓住9. interview: v.

面试;采访;会见10. noise: n.

噪音;喧闹声;嘈杂声11. wind: n.

风12. neighbor: n.

邻居13. director: n.

主管;主任14. monkey: n.

猴子15. smell: n.

气味16. finger: n.

手指。17. lift: v.

举起;抬起;提升18. stone: n.

石头;石块19. ant: n.

蚂蚁20. ocean: n.海洋。


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