
发布 2022-12-28 23:47:28 阅读 4776

unit8 how do you mae a banana mil shae?


1. a piece of … 一片/张/段/条/根/幅/首…… 2. one by one 一个接一个;逐个;依次。

3. a cup of yogurt 一杯酸奶 4. traditional food 传统的食物 5. the main dish 主菜。

6. at a very high temperature 用高温 7. tae one’s temperature 量某人的体温。

8. add some salt to the soup 往汤里加点盐 add … to ..把……加到……上/里面。

9. pour …into… 把……倒入/灌入… 10. mae a list of … 列一份 … 清单。

11. put the corn into the popcorn machine 把玉米放入爆米花机里 put…into…把…放入…

12. rice noodles 米粉 13. another 10 minutes = 10 more minutes 又/再十分钟。

14. let me thin(…)让我想一想 let me see= let’s see. 让我想想看。

15. peel three bananas. 剥三根香蕉16. dig/dug a hole 挖坑

17. first…net…then…finally 首先……接下……然后…….最后……

18. that’s it. 表示某事了结、停止、结束 more thing = another one thing还有一件事。

a different way 用一种不同的方式 21. mi together 混合到一起。

22. tae out a boo from the library = tae a boo out of the library 从图书馆里借出一本书。

23. how do you mae a banana mil shae? 你怎样制作一份香蕉奶昔?

n)摇动;抖动: give the bottle a good shae. 好好地摇一下瓶子。

v) (使)摇动/颤抖:shae the bottle before drining.

抖落 he shoo the snow off his coat at the door.

shae hands 握手 shae one’s head 摇头 for a shae 一瞬间

24. turn on the blender. 打开搅拌器。

turn on:打开(电、煤气、水等) will you please turn on the light? it’s too dar.

turn off 关掉(电、煤气、水等) please turn the light off when you le**e the building.

turn up 调高(音量等) i can’t hear clearly, please turn up the radio.

出现 if he doesn’t turn up in ten minutes, we’ll h**e to go.

turn down 调低(音量等):please turn down the tv when i’m taling on the phone.

拒绝 she turned down his invitation.

25. cut up the bananas. 把香蕉切碎。cut:(n)切口;伤口;(v) 切,割,剪,砍,削等。

cut… into… :把…切成… cut the turey into pieces.

cut off: 切断;中断 he almost cut off his finger while woring.

cut up 切碎;剁碎 cut the onion up in small pieces.

伤害;折磨: he was cut up badly when he fell off his bie.

cut down:砍倒;削减 they cut down the old trees in order to build a new factory.

22. a how much yogurt do we need? b we need one cup of yogurt.

1). how many 多少 + 可数名词: how many watermelons do you need?

how much 多少 + 不可数名词: how much cheese/sugar do we need?

多少钱= what’d the price of…? how much is the butter?

2n) there’s no need for you to hurry. 你没有必要慌张。

sb. need sth. she needs help.

v实) sb. need to do sth. you need to get it bac tomorrow.

需要; sth. need doing = sth. need to be done. the bie needs repairing.

必须 (v情 ) 用于否定和疑问 you needn’t tell me. 你没有必要告诉我。

need i go there? yes, you must./h**e to. no, you needn’t.

in need of… 需要at need 在紧急时。

23. these days, most americans still celebrate this idea of giving thans /by h**ing a big meal at home with their family.

现在,大部分的美国人仍然通过和家人在家里共进丰盛的一餐庆祝这个感恩的节日。the idea of (doing) sth 目的;意图 he is s**ing money with the idea of buying a car.

24. at this time, people also remember the first tr**elers from england/ who came to live in america about 400 years ago. 这一天,人们仍然想起大约400年前美国居住的第一批流浪者。

25. net,fill the turey with this bread mi. 接下,把这个面包混合物填充到火鸡里。

使充满;装满 fill a with b = a be filled with b = a be full of b

1fill the bottle with water. =the bottle is filled with / is full of water.

占据,胜任(职位;工作) she is the best person to fill this ind of job.

n)混合物(=miture);食品混合干配料 a cae mi

使掺和;使混合: she mies the flour and mil together.

2mi…with… 把…与…调在一起 he mied red paint with yellow paint.

v)mi… into… 把…掺在…里面 she mied some salt into the soup.

调制: mi salad 拌色拉。

26. when it is ready, place the turey on a large plate and cover it with gr**y.


n) 盖子;封面;罩: the boo has a blue cover.

覆盖;遮盖: cover … with… =be covered with…

v) she covered the table with a cloth. =the table was covered with a cloth.

掩饰;隐瞒 jim tried to cover his mistae with a joe.

27. finally, serve it to your friends with some vegetables. 最后,与其它食物一起端出供朋友使用。


unit 8 how do you make a banana milk shake?知识点。1.摇动过去式2.蜂蜜勺,调羹。3.糖 4.奶酪 5.机器 6.三明治 7.黄油 8.块9.感恩节10.传统的11.秋季12.旅行者13.英国14.庆祝 庆贺15.盘子,碟子16.接待,服务17.温度,气候...


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