
发布 2022-12-29 22:48:28 阅读 6795

unit 8 how do you make a banana milk shake?

一。 [话题](topic) cooking at home

二。 [重点词组](key phrases)

1. turn on 打开 2. cut up 切碎 3. pour into倒入 4. put into 放进去。

up 混合 6. add sth to 把……加在…… many 多少。

8 .how much 多少 9. two teaspoons of …两茶匙 cup of…一杯

11. 3 slices of 三片 14. turn off 关上。

三。 [交际用语]

1. how do you make a banana milk shake?

1. first, peel the milk into the blender…

3. then put the milk into the blender….

4. how many bananas do we need ?

5. we need three bananas .

四。 [重点难点释义](language points)

1. turn on the blender. 打开搅拌器。

1) 这是一个祈使句,又叫无主句,表示命令、请求等语气以动词原型开头的句子叫做祈使句。

其否定形式是在前面加上 don't 构成。如:

sit down, please. 请坐。

please don't sit down. 请不要坐下。

put it away , please. 请把它拿走。

please don't put it away. 请不要把它拿走。

2)turn 作动词时,表示“转 ( 弯 ) 翻转”,后加介词短语/副词 ( 作状语 ) 如:turn on / off 开/关 ( 收音机, 电灯等 )

turn in 交出, 上交

turn...into...使 ) 变成,翻译成turn over 翻转。

如:please turn on / off the blender. 请打开/关上搅拌器。

turn in your *****s, please. 请把试卷交上来。

water can turn into ice. 水可变成冰。

2. how many bananas do we need?我们需要多少香蕉?

how many 是疑问词,表示“多少”,后面需跟复数名词。询问多少人或物的句型是:how many+ 复数名词 + 一般疑问句。如:

how many boats can you see?你能看到多少只船?

how many apples would you like?你想要几个苹果?

how many books are there on the desk?桌上有多少本书?

3. —how much honey do we need?我们需要多少蜂蜜?

— we need one teaspoon of honey. 我们需要一茶匙蜂蜜。

1) how much 对不可数名词进行提问,表示“多少”,后面跟不可数名词。如: how much rice do you want ?你想要多少大米?

how much money do you h**e ?你有多少钱?

注意:money 是不可数名词。

2) 在英语词类中没有量词, 但英语有量的表达法。量的表达方法可分为三种类型:

表示容器的名词 +of, 如 a cup of tea, three bottles of milk

表示单位的名词 +of, 如 a piece of *****, seven piles of rice( 七堆米 )

其他词 +of, 如 some of the apples .

4. do you like lettuce in sandwiches?你喜欢吃莴苣三明治吗?

1) like v. 喜欢

like sth. (接名词或代词 ) 喜欢某物

like to do sth. (接动词不定式 ) 喜欢做某事

like doing sth. (接动词 - ing 形式 ) 喜欢做某事

like sb. to do sth. (接复合宾语 ) 喜欢某人做某事

如:how do you like the weather here ?你觉得这里的天气如何?

do you like to play football ?你喜欢踢足球吗?

i like reading very much. 我非常喜欢读书。

teachers always like their students to ask questions.


2)like prep. 像, 与……一样。词组:look like( 看起来像 );be like (像) 。

如:he looks like his father .他长得像他爸爸。

what's your new teacher like ?你们的新老师怎么样?


1. how many 与 how much.

how many 和 how much 都可以表示“多少”的意思。 how many 修饰可数名词, how much 修饰不可数名词。

how much 还可以表示“什么价钱”。如:

how much is the pen ?这支钢笔多少钱?

how much meat do you want ?你想要多少肉?

how many oranges do you want ?你想要多少桔子?

2. in 与 into

1)in 意为“在……内”,是表示静态的介词。 into 意为“进……里”,是表示动态的复合介词。

如:she is walking in the room .她正在房间里踱来踱去。

she walked into the room .她走进了房间。

2) 在 put , throw, break, lay, fall 等动词之后, 既可以用 in, 也可以用 into, 这时 in也表示动态,常含有 into 的意思。

如:he put all the books in/ into the bag 。他把所有的书都放进书包里。

3) in 可以用作副词, into 则不能。如:

come in !进来!

3. cup 与 glass

cup 和 glass 都可以作“杯”解。 cup 指的是用玻璃以外的原料制成的杯子,如用陶瓷等制成的带把儿的小茶杯,常常有托盘,用于喝茶 (牛奶、咖啡或可可等 ) glass 指用玻璃制成的杯子,用于喝水、饮酒等。

如:i would like a cup of tea .我想喝杯茶。

what about a glass of milk ?来杯牛奶怎么样?

4. need 与 want

1) 两者都可以表示“要”,“需要”,后面接名词、代词或动词不定式。

如:he needs someone to help him. 他需要有人帮助他。

i want a bicycle for my birthday. 我生日的时候想要一辆自行车。

you need to wear warm clothes. 你需要穿暖和的衣服。

i want to see you. 我想要见你。

2) want 可以接复合宾语, 而 need 则不能。如:

he wanted you to ring him. 他想要你打**给他。

3) need 可以用作情态动词,表示必须, want 则不能。如:

need you go so soon?你非得这么快就走吗?

you needn't talk so loud. 你不必这么大声讲话。

五。 语法知识。

1. 可数名词和不可数名词。


1)可数名词分为单数和复数两种形式,前面可以用不定冠词、数词或 some 、 many 等词语修饰。

如:a man, an apple, some children, many women

2) 不可数名词没有复数形式,前面不能用不定冠词、数词或 many 等词语修饰,但可以用 some , a little , much


如:some water, a little milk, much food, a piece of bread, two bottles of ink, some glasses of water

2. need 的用法

need 既是一个情态动词,也是一个实义动词,都是“需要”的意思。当它用作情态动词时,主要用于否定句或疑问句。 needn't 可以后接不带 to的动词原形,在疑问句中,也可以把 need 放在句首。

如:you needn't be in bed all the time.你不必老是躺在床上。

— need i look for your coat now?现在,需要我找你的大衣吗?

— no, you needn't. we can look for it after school . 不必,我们放学后再找。

he's hungry now. he needs some food. 他现在饿了,需要一些食物。

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