Joinin五下U3 1 作业单

发布 2022-09-07 23:38:28 阅读 9326


english homework for the 7th week

join in english g5 unit3 television

姓名英文名积分, ]

unit3 part1&2 要求:掌握6种电视节目的词语,并能表述自己喜欢的节目。

unit3 part3 要求:听懂他人对电视节目的喜好,完成练习。

unit3 part4&5 要求:一般现在时中,当主语是第三人称单数,动词要做相应的变化。

romantic films爱情电影 cartoons** science fiction films科幻电影 detective films侦探电影 sports programmes体育节目 nature programmes自然节目 is short for 缩写 different不同的。

think 想,认为 call 叫做 be on 上演,**children 孩子们television电视 begin开始 end 结束。

a. 将重点记忆单词抄写2遍英文,加1遍中文,并加强记忆,报听写在作业本上。

b. 熟读背诵p23的5部分,周三微信提交背诵语音。 c. 完成作业单练习题。并整体回顾复习。

一.listen, number and match. 听音,标号,连线 (12’)

二.listen and choose. 听录音,选出你所听到的句子(6’)

1. (a. i like watching tv. b. tv is short for television.

2. (a. there are many different tv programmes.

b. i like many different tv programmes.

3. (a. children usually like cartoons. b. some children don’t like cartoons.

4. (a. juliet likes romantic films. b. juliet’s mother likes romantic films.

5. (a. it’s one of the first tvs made in grandpa’s factory.

b. it’s the first tv made in grandma’s factory.

6. (a. but what kevin says on tv is not true. b. but what kevin says on tv is true.

3.look, read and write. 看图,读句子,将句子补充完整(10’)

1. frank __science fiction films. 2. my fatherromantic films.

2. i don’t like3. cartoons begin at

3. bob and mary are young __they like cartoons. and choose. 选择填空,将序号写在横线上(14’)

1. (frank __nature programmes? a.

do; like b. do; like c. does; like d.

does; likes

2. (fred __sports programmes. he __romantic films.

a. like; likes b. doesn’t like; like c. likes; doesn’t like d. like; doesn’t like

3. (my sister __that spots programmes are boring.

a. think b. don’t think c. thinks d. doesn’t thinks

4. (this evening, there is a cartoon __called kung fu panda. a.

on b. in c. at d.

to5. (i often watch tv __saturday evening. a. in b. on c. at d. to

6. (she___watch man and nature this afternoon. a.

will b. are going to c. never d.


7. (lisa doesn’t like cartoons. she __watches them.

a. often b. never c.

always d. usually

5. form the sentences. 连词成句(10’)

1. never, watch, i , romantic, films

2. like, detective, films, and, i, nature, programmes

3. sports, programmes, brother, my, watches, often

4. like, programmes, he, nature, doesn’t

5. great, programmes, really, this, is



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