
发布 2022-08-18 06:37:28 阅读 7051


十。四、宾语从句总第课时step 1学生自学。

the object clause (宾语从句)

宾语从句一般由“引导词+主语+谓语+其它”构成,其语序是陈述句语序。a) introduced by that

he says that he wants to speak to the sorry (that) he isn’t here right now.

note: 1. that的省略:

that引导的宾语从句用来陈述事实,that本身无词义,在从句中不作任何成分,在口语中或非正式文体中常常可被省略。 i guess (that) somebody else has borrowed afraid (that) you’ll h**e to wait.2.


主句是i/we think/suppose/guess/believe等时,从句中的否定习惯上要转移到主句中。如:我认为鸡不会游泳。

误:i think chickens can not swim.正:

i don’t think chickens can swim.此外,上述情况在变成反意疑问句时,附加疑问句要看从句,如果主句的主语不是第一人称,则附加疑问句要看主句。试比较:

i think he is wrong, isn’t he? he thinks he is right, doesn’t he?b) introduced by if/whether

she asked me if/whether i could help her with her don’t know if/whether it is going to rain.

c) introduced by relative pronouns and adverbs(连接代词和连接副词)

一、构成:1.宾语从句可由连接代词what, who, whom, which等引导,它们在宾语从句中可作主语、宾语、表语和定语等,因此不能省略。

do you know who will come this afternoon? (作主语)

did you hear what he said?(作宾语)i don’t know whose that is. (作表语)

could you tell me which gate we h**e to go to?(作gate的定语)2.宾语从句可由连接副词when, where, how, why等引导,它们在宾语从句中作状语,不可省略。

we didn’t know when she would come back.

could you tell me how i can get to the post office?no one knows why she is late 2教师点拨。


*do you know how old is she? (应改为:…how old she is)2.从句中的时态与主句时态前后呼应。step 3当堂训练。

) 1. i don’t think he will come here on time重庆)a. won’t heb.

will he c. does he d. is he( )2.

will you please tell me ? 上海)

a. where pudong airport isb. how far pudong airport was

c. how can we get to pudong airport d. when was pudong airport built( )3.

it’s not polite to ask people in england. (常州)a. how much money you h**e got b.

what the weather is likec. what your city looks liked. how old are you

) 4. i wonder if he tonight. if he , i’ll let you know.

(扬州)a. will come; will comeb. comes; comesc.

will come; comesd. comes; will come

) 5. i can’t say i want to see him again. we h**en’t seen each otherfor nearly three years.


a. how long b. how soon c.

how often d. how much( )6. mr.

green told me that he on a trip next sunday. (通化)a. are going b.

was going c. will go d. would going( )7.

our geography teacher told us that japan the east of china. (河北)

a. is inb. was in c. is tod. was to( )8. nobody knows he’ll come or not. (辽宁)

a. thatb. ifcd. whether教学反思。


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