新目标九年级英语unit3优秀教案 全单元

发布 2022-08-18 06:38:28 阅读 2192

unit 3 teenagers should be allowed to

choose their own clothes.

主备人: 李韶华审核人:吕艳。

第一课时。section a1a-2c




allow doing “允许做某事”

allow sb. to do sth“允许某人做某事。

be(not) allowed (to do sth).“不)被允许(去干某事。


2.)they don’t in the reading room他们不会允许你在阅览室里抽烟。3).

smoking in the reading room.阅览室禁止吸烟。p1ean。

4).teenagers shouldn’t .青少年不应该被允许吸烟。(不应该允许。青少年吸烟)

should be allowed to choose their own clothes.青少年应该被允许选择他们自己地衣服。dxdit。

这里should be allowed是含有情态动词should地被动语态,其结构是:“should+be+及物动词地过去分词”,意为“应该被…”.例如:rtcrp。

1).sixteen-year-olds shouldn’t be allowed to drive.译为:5pczv。

2).the work shouldn’t be given up. 译为:

3)children to speak the truth.应该教导孩子讲实话。

4)what school rules do you think (应该被改变)?

3.本单元主要讲含有情态动词地被动语态。其结构为: 情态动词 + be + 过去分词eg.家长应该允许青少年上网。jlbhr。

teenagersto surf the internet.( 改为否定句 ) xhaqx。

teenagersto surf the internet.( 一般疑问句 )ldayt。

teenagersto surf the internet?zzz6z。



a. 应该允许安娜自己选择衣服。annarqyn1。

b. 我能使用这台计算机吗?__this computeremxvx。

c 这本书严禁借给别人。 this bookto


the photo mayin 20086ewmy。

e .we should finish the work .(改被动)

can water the flowers twice a day .(改被动)

must look after the baby well.(改被动。

4. 句中get their ears pierced“穿耳孔”,属于get + 宾语 + 过去分词结构,即get / h**e sth. done 常用于表示请或让某人做某事。


had his bikerepair ) yesterday.

h**e my haircut ) tomorrow.

和instead of “代替,而不是”

we eat ricenoodles.

they went swimming instead of __watch) the football

the water here is not good ,so i drink coffeem2ub6。

6.主语+seem+to do=it seems + that从句

he seems to be busy .=it0yujc。

课堂练习。一. 句型转换。

1. he seems to h**e many friends. (改写句子,句意不变)

__ seems __he __many friends.

2. i think your homework should be done at once. (改为否定句)euts8。

i __think your homework __be done at

3. people should allow teenagers to spend some time playing with their friends. (改为被动语态)gmsia。

teenagers shouldto spend some time playing with their

4. we must clean our classroom every day.(改为被动语态)

our classroomby us every day.(改为被动语态)7eqzc。

5. we should allow them to finish the hard work. (改为被动语态)lzq7i。

theyto finish the hard work by

6. students should take good care of the books. (改为被动语态)nrpoj。

the books shouldby students.1nowf。

第二课时3a-sectionb 2c



知识点拨。1.--we h**e a lot of rules at my house.

---so do we.

so do we.”是倒装句,其结构是“so+系动词/助动词/情态动词+主语”,意思为“也”表示前者所情况同样适用于后者,时态应和上一句保持一致,前后两个句子地主语指不同地人或物。如:

like learning english, and so my

can drive. jack(杰克也会).

h**e a lot of beautiful stamps. i also h**e lots of beautiful stamps.(同义句改写)you h**e a lot of beautiful stamps.

has been learning english for about six years, i..v7l4j。

went camping yesterday,so___we.

is allowed to stay up till 11:00 andjack.83lcp。

will go to the mall andlucy.


if you don’t go to the park, neither/nor will i.


1.--maria is a warm-hearted girl.

--so she is.(他确实是。)

2.—my daughter ate a lot of ice cream in school.

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