人教版九年级Unit2 3宾语从句

发布 2022-07-28 18:03:28 阅读 2759

the object clause (宾语从句)


ⅰ.从句是陈述句由that引导,“that”只有语法上的作用,没有实际意义大多省略: i think(that)i’ve lost the book.

ⅱ. 从句是特殊疑问句,由本身的特殊疑问词引导(连接接代词who, whom, what, which, whose和连接副词when, where, why, how等),这些连词在句中充当某种成分。 can you tell me how i can get to the hospital?

ⅲ. 从句是一般疑问句,由if 或 whether 引导,意思是“是否” i asked if\ whether he was a teacher.

※ 当从句是反意疑问句时,用“if”或“whether”引导。

“you’re from america, aren’t you?” he wants to know.→ he wants to know if\whether i am from america (or not).

※ 当从句是祈使句时用动词不定式表示, 引导词tell, ask, order等: tell/ask/order sb. (not) to do sth

the teacher told us, “don’t play on the street.” the teacher told us not to play on the street.

2. 宾语从句的两个特点:

i. 语序: 陈述语序(“主+谓+宾”)

believe they must be players. 2. i don’t know how i can do it well.

3. he asked if\ whether it snowed in winter.

ii. 时态:主从句时态一致。

※ 如果主句时态是一般现在时,那么从句的时态不受限制。1. i think you are wrong.

2. i hope she didn’t hurt herself.

※ 如主句是一般过去时,那从句用相应的一般过去时的某种时态: he said he had found his bike.

※ 如果宾语从句陈述的是客观真理,自然现象等要用一般现在时my teacher said the earth moves around the sun.


特殊疑问句词引导的宾语从句有的可变成“特殊疑问词+动词不定式”形式。 使句子由主从复合句变成简单句。

1. 当主句中的主语与从句的主语一致时, 直接变成简单句。

i don’t know what i shall do next . i don’t know what to do next .

2. 当主语含有双宾语时, 如间宾语从句主语一致也可变。

can you tell me how i can get to the stop ? can you tell me how to get to the stop .


1. 从句中如果出现or not ; 或动不式, 一般用whether

he didn’t tell me whether he would come or not. ※he don’t know whether to go there .

2. 当从句**现否定句,一般只用 if : i don’t care if she if she won’t come

单选: 1. -excuse me,do you knowsure.there is a bank there.

i can go to the bank b、where the bank is

c、when can i go to the bank d、where is the bank

2. –can you tell me __she is in the computer lab.

a. where linda was b. where is linda c. where was linda d. where linda is

3. -sorry, what did you say just now? -i asked

a. when did he le**e b. where you h**e been

c. whom will you go with d. how i could get to the station

4. he didn’t know___

the matter the matter is was the matter the matter was

5. canyoutellme___

h**en't decided __next yet to do to do to do it to go to

7. —how clean the bedroom is! —yes, i am sure that someone __cleans b.

cleaned c. has cleaned d. had cleaned

8. —i really hope to keep in touch with lily. —sorry. i don't know __

a. what her name is b. what her job isc. what her number is d. when she left

9.--would you please tell meof course. about twenty minutes’ walk.

a. how far is it from the hotel b, how far it is from the hotel c. how long you h**e been in the hotel d.

how long h**e you been in the hotel

10 . tom doesn't tell me when hei will call you as soon as he __

come; comes come; will come will come comes

11. he hardly hurt himself in the accident

he he he he

12. —what would you like to drink, girls?—_please.

cup of coffee cups of coffees cups of coffee cup of coffees

13. -excuse me. is there __park nearby? -yes. it’s over there next to___post office.

a. a, /b. a, thec. /the d. the, a

14. the music that his son is playing __beautiful. a.

sounds b. look c. taste d.


must go __that street to get to the park. a. cross b. across c. pass d. passed

16. tom and his friends usedat malls. but now they go to a music club.

a. hang out b. hung out c. to hang out d. to hanging out

parents __more and more money on their children's education.

a. take b. cost c. spend d. pay

h**e organized games and the staff __clowns.

a. dresses up b. dresses up as up up as


1. –can you tell meshe is in the computer lab.(09北京)

a. where linda was b. where is linda c. where was linda d. where linda is

2. -excuse me, could you tell mesorry, sir. i wasn’t there at that time.(09福州)


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深圳九年级英语 宾语从句

宾语从句。1 定义 宾语从句 由一个句子来充当主句宾语的复合句。在句中作及物动词的宾语,或。介词的宾语,或形容词的宾语。注意 宾语从句的三大考点即 引导词 时态和语序。二 句型结构 主语 谓语 引导词 主语 谓语 其他成分 主句从句 宾语 练习 划出下列句子当中的谓语动词及宾语。1.i know y...