
发布 2022-08-08 23:40:28 阅读 9907


中考范例】1. miss green didn’t tell us __in 2002.

a. where does she live b. where she lives

c. where did she live d. where she lived (北京市中考试题)


2. would you please tell me上海市徐汇区中考试题)

a. when did he come home b. where he would play football

c. if he had seen the film d. why he didn’t watch the game


3. i don’t know when

a. will the train le**e b. the train will le**e

c. would the train le**e d. the train le**e (哈尔滨市中考试题)


4. -we don’t know

---it is said that he was born in sweden. (常州市中考试题)

a. what he is b. if he lives here

c. where he comes from d. which country is he from

解析】答案: c。该题考查的是宾语从句的语序。按照他们谈论的话题可知:他们说的是某人是**人。a和b可以排除掉。d的语序不对,只有c正确。


)1. what did mike say? he said

a. if you are free the next week b. what colour was it

c. the weather is fine d. summer comes after spring

)2. tom asked my friend

a. where was he from b. that the earth is bigger than the moon

c. when did he come back d. not to be so angry

)3. let me tell you

a. how much is the car b. how much does the car cost

c. how much did i pay for the car d. how much i spent on the car

)4. peter knew

a. whether he has finished reading the book

b. why the boy had so many questions

c. there were 12 months in a year

d. when they will le**e for paris

)5. could you tell me

a. where do you live b. who you are waiting for

c. who were you waiting for d. where you live in

)6. she told me the sun __in the east.

a. rise b. rose c. rises d. had risen

)7. i can't understand __the boy alone.

a. why she left b. why did she le**e

c. why she had left d. why had she left

)8. i don't knowup so early last sunday.

a. why did he get b. why he gets c. why does he get d. why he got

)9. the manager came up to see

a. what was the matter b. what the matter was

c. what the matter is d. what's the matter

)10. he asked his father __

a. where it happens b. where did it happen

c. how it happened d. how did it happen


1. “these flowers are from guangdong.” tom said.

tom said __these flowers __from guangdong.

2. “light tr**els faster than sound.” my teacher told mark.

my teacher told mark __light __faster than sound.

3. “there will be a meeting in five days.” jack didn’t know.

jack didn’t know __therea meeting in five days.

4. “can they speak french?” i want to know.

i want to knowfrench.

5. “are the children playing games?” tell me.

tell me __the childrengames.

6. “h**e you finished your homework yet?” mr. guo asked sun jia.

mr. guo asked sun jiahomework yet.

7. how many people can you see in the picture? who knows?

who knowsin the picture?

8. where did she park her car? do you know?

do you knowher car?

9. “what does he often talk about?” nancy wondered.

nancy wonderedoftenabout.

10. who knocked at the door so loudly? i don’t know.

i don’t knowat the door so loudly.


1. jim told me __he didn't go fishing yesterday afternoon.(how, why)

2. do you know __else is going to be on duty today? (who, whom)

3. she said __it wouldn't matter much.(that, if)

4. he always thinks __he can do better.(how, who)

5. i really don't knowthe bridge will be finished.(how long, how soon)

6. they don't know __to go or wait. (if, whether)

7. we are talking about __we’ll go back tomorrow. (whether, if)

深圳九年级英语 宾语从句

宾语从句。1 定义 宾语从句 由一个句子来充当主句宾语的复合句。在句中作及物动词的宾语,或。介词的宾语,或形容词的宾语。注意 宾语从句的三大考点即 引导词 时态和语序。二 句型结构 主语 谓语 引导词 主语 谓语 其他成分 主句从句 宾语 练习 划出下列句子当中的谓语动词及宾语。1.i know y...


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