
发布 2022-08-08 23:41:28 阅读 4558


would h**e v-ed

结构︰主词+would h**e+过去分词。


he would h**e attended meeting, but upon learning that he had no time, he dropped the idea.


i would h**e told you the truth, but you didn't give me a chance.


i would h**e done it, but i had no time.我本来要办这事的,可是没时间。

she would h**e married him, but when she learned that he was a rascal, she parted with him.


.. could h**e v-ed ..

结构︰主词+could h**e+过去分词。


he could h**e bought the car, but soon his company went bankrupt.


he could h**e finished it on schedule, but somehow he fell behind.


i could h**e done it if i had wanted to.如果我那时想做,我能做得到的。

.. should h**e v-ed ..

结构︰主词+should/ought to h**e+过去分词。


you should h**e spoken up in the meeting.会谈时你实在应该发言(然而你却没有)。

he should at least h**e come to say good-by.他至少也该来道个别(然而却没来)。

he ought to h**e kept his promise.他原本应该遵守自己的诺言。

you should h**e been more careful in money matters.在钱方面,你本当更小心点的。

he ought to h**e arrived there by now.他现在应该已经到那里了。

the drama drew a capacity audience; you should h**e gone to see it.


i should h**e known better

结构︰主词+should h**e known better(than to+原形动词)

说明︰此句型意为"本来不应该那样笨(而…)"是指已经做过之事,而know better(不致那样笨)是指未做之事。

i should h**e known better.我本来不应该那样笨。

you should h**e known better than to talk like that.你本应更懂事而不致说这样的话。

you should h**e known better than to go mountain climbing alone.


i know better than to go swimming after dinner.我不致笨得吃过饭就去游泳。


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