
发布 2022-07-22 18:39:28 阅读 2902


一、 以下动词或词组后面用动词不定式,即to do something

1. would like to do something= want to do something 想要做某事。

2. hope/start/begin/need to do something 希望/开始/需要做某事。

3. 疑问词how+ to do something 如何做某事。

4. be glad/nice/happy/sorry to do something 高兴/抱歉做某事。

5. it is interesting/fun to do something. 做某事很有趣。

6. it is time to do something. 该做某事了。

7. it is time for sb. to do something. 该某人做某事了。

8. h**e (no) time to do something (没)有时间做某事。

9. it takes sb. some time/money to do something.花费某人一些时间/金钱做某事。

10. help sb. (to ) do something 帮助某人做某事 (注意:这里的to可以省略)

11. seem to to do something 似乎要做某事。

实践运用:1. i’m sorryhear) the bad news(坏消息).

2. the students are happysee) each other again.

3. the boys h**e little timepractice) football.

4. is it time for usdo) morning exercises?

5. it is time (get) up.

6. it is interesting (play) games.

7. it takes him hours (do) his homework.

8. it is fun (draw) in the hills.

9. they need (h**e) a rest.

10. can you teach me how (play) football?

11. would you and your family likecome) to visit beijing with me?

12. he often helps his motherclean) the house

13. the girl wants (make) a card for her mother.

14. what time do you starth**e) lessons?

liketalk) with you after supper.

16. the boy seemcry).

boy is very happyhelp) his mother clean the house on sundays.

is fine today. would you likeenjoy) the sunshine with me?

19. it takes her about an hourhelp) them clean the room.

20. it’s time for meh**e) an english class.

21. would you likeplant) some potatoes with me?

you h**e much timecomputer games?(play).

7:00 o’clock. it’s timeget) up.

24..she wantswatch) tv with her mother every day.

25. kitty hopeslive) in wuxi.

26. i’m sorry. i h**e no timepractise) english with you.

二、 以下动词或词组后面用doing something

1. like/love/enjoy doing something 喜欢做某事。

2. go shopping/swimming/running//walking/fishing/roller skating 去购物∕游泳∕跑步∕散步∕钓鱼∕滑旱冰

3. go to the dancing∕drawing∕swimming lesson 去上舞蹈∕绘画∕游泳课。

4. do some reading∕cleaning∕shopping∕washing 读书∕打扫∕购物∕洗衣服。

5. 介词后面跟doing something,如:how∕what about doing something 做某事怎么样be good at doing something 擅长做某事do well in doing something 擅长做某事 after doing something 做某事之后 thank sb.

∕thanks for doing something. 感谢某人做某事。

6. practise doing something 练习做某事。

7. h**e a good time doing something ∕h**e fun doing something 做某事有乐趣。

8. spend time∕money doing something 花费时间∕金钱做某事。

9. doing something做某事作为主语时,如; reading is fun.读书很快乐。

实践运用:has much timepracticeplay) tennis.

2. she oftengoskate).

very much forhelp) me! you are so (help).

all enjoy (listen) to music.

5. (do) morning exercisesbe) good for us.

6. (play) basketballhelp) usget) strong.

mother spends two hoursdo) housework.

spend too much timesit) in front of the computer.

9. do they h**e fun (visit) the farm?

about (take) a walk with me?

11.--who is good at (润)? jim is。

12.--do you often goswim) in summer? -yes,we do.

means “no (smoke)”

aboutmeet) at the school gate tomorrow?

15. jim goes to school every day afterh**e) breakfast.

about goingwalk) after supper?

17. we often practiseplay) basketball at weekends.

always h**e a good timechat ) with others.

19. does your son practiseplay) the piano (钢琴) every evening?

20. my uncle enjoysskate) but he likes playing chess better.

21. let’s h**e a coke, and then gofish) somewhere by the river.

usually goon sundays. (shop)

23. duan fan likeschat) with his classmates on the internet.

24. there is aread) room on the second floor in the building.

goesswim) on sundays.

26. my parents don’t enjoyswim) in the lake.

27. my father usually does someshop).


年七年级英语动词用法小结。一 以下动词或词组后面用动词不定式,即to do something 1.would like to do something want to do something 想要做某事。2.hope start begin need to do something 希望 开始 ...


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