九年级英语期末复习 9AUnit3

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单词。teenage adj.青少年的mark n.分数;标记。

mad adj.疯狂的;生气的。

exam n.(=examination)考试,测试。

perhaps adv.或许,可能deal vi.处理。

choice m选择but prep.除……外;只有。

awake adj.醒着的hardly adv.几乎不。

doubt vt.怀疑worth adj.值得,值……钱。

imagine vt.&vi.想象,设想suggestion n.建议。

cause n.原因strict adj.严格的,严厉的。

valuable adj.宝贵的,很有用的;贵重的。

list n.清单whom pron. 谁(宾格)

silence n.安静,寂静;沉默worry n.担心;令人担忧的事。

dictionary n.字典bookworm n.书虫,书呆子。

schoolwork n.课业progress n.进展,进步。

aloud adv.大声地;出声地pronounce vt,发音。

correctly adv.正确地pronunciation n.发音。

mention vt.提及;说起stress n.精神压力,紧张。

unhappy adj.不快乐的,不满的。

词组。1.too much太多2.in class在课上。

3.drive sb mad使某人疯狂4.feel lonely感到孤独。

5.all day整天6.feel sleepy瞌睡的。

7.deal with处置;处理。

8.h**e no choice but to…没有选择只能……

9.stay up熬夜10. hand in上交。

11. feel bad about sth对……感到难过。

12. be worth doing值得做某事。

13. dream of/about梦想;想象。

14. hear from收到某人的来信。

15. be crazy about对……感到疯狂。

16. worry about担心。

17. get into trouble陷入麻烦。

18. be strict with sb对某人要求严格。

19. stay out待在户外;(晚上)不回家。

20. look forward to渴望21. make sure确保;确认。

22. in one's mind在某人的想法中。

23. make a list of列出24. work out算出;解决。

25. according to根据26. agree with同意。

27. instead of代替;而不。

28. youth worker青少年辅导员。

29. on show上演30. end with结束。

31. laugh at嘲笑32. go over复习;回顾。

33. don't mention it不客气。

34. keep sth to oneself秘而不宣。

35. be of sb's age与……同龄的。


h**e a problem, but i wonder how i should deal with it.我有一个问题,但是我想要知道我应该怎样处理它。

(1) wonder


1)后接who,what,when等引导的宾语从句。相当于want to know如:

i wonder who he is.



i wonder( that) luneng lost the game.



she wondered whether her mother was free that morning.



i'm just wondering how to do it.我想要知道怎样做。


the pyramids are one of the seven wonders of the world.


(2) deal with与do with都意为“处置;处理”。

do with常与连接代词what连用,而deal with常与连接副词how连用,如:

i don't know how they deal with the problem.(=i don't know what they do with the problem.)


he is easy to deal with.(=he is easy to do with.这时“do”是不及物动词)他是容易相处的人。


h**e a lot of homework every day, and i h**e no choice but to finish all of it.我每天有很多作业,我没有选择只能完成所有的作业。

choice作名词,意为“选择”,其动词形式为choose。常见短语为h**e no choice but to do sth意为“没有别的选择只能做”。

i h**e no choice but to accept his invitation.


3.i often h**e to stay up late.我常常不得不熬夜到很晚。

stay up意为“熬夜”,后常接副词late。

do you often stay up late?你常常熬夜到很晚吗?


send up发出,射出 put up张贴/建造 finish up吃完或喝完 divide up使……分开 come up with想出 eat up吃光 give up放弃。

4. however, i hardly h**e any spare time for my hobbies.然而,我几乎没有任何空余时间来享受自己的爱好。


as a student. we should work hard.


often doubt whether it is worth spending so much time on my homework.我常常怀疑把这么多时间花费在作业上是否值得。

(1) doubt意为“怀疑”。


i don't doubt that she's telling the truth.


(2) worth为形容词,意为“值得;值……钱”,常见短语为be worth doing“值得做”。

the life i know, by han han is worth reading.


don't understand why they were so strict with me.我不理解为什么他们对我如此的严格。

strict作形容词,意为“严格的;严厉的”。常见短语be strict with sb,意为“对某人严格要求”,以及be strict in( doing) sth,意为“对(做)某事严格要求”。如:

mr smith is very strict with his children.


7.i need someone to share my worries with.我想要一个人来和我分担忧虑。



too many worries are bad for your health.


(2) worry可作及物动词,意为“使烦恼”,“使焦虑”,常接sb作宾语。如:

what worried you so much?什么事使你这么着急?

(3) worry也可作不及物动词,意为“烦恼”、“担心”、“发愁”,常跟介词about或over。如:

they are worrying about the coming exam.


(4) worry后接从句时,也表示“为……担心”,此时不用介词,worry可看作及物动词。如:

don't worry how much you 'spend.别担心花多少钱。

8. how about reading english aloud every morning?



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