
发布 2021-05-19 21:50:28 阅读 7703

通榆中学九年级英语期中复习学案 9a unit 1 star signs


运用“it is + adj.+ of …+to do …”来表达对某人行为的看法。

运用“sb. is + adj + enough + to do …”来表达某人的性格和能力特征的推测。



烹饪 n争论v原谅v错误n做梦 v.

解释v实验 n不同adv牙痛醒着的。




互译短语。1. 担心21. treat everyone equally

2. 被分成22. learn more about chinese history

3. 不时地23. contact / call master zhang on 55560678

4. 放弃24. go to different places for a visit

5. 注意细节25. donate / raise / s**e / make money

6. 和…相同26. around the middle of the month

7. 原谅某人某事27. share food with others

8. 做…梦28. h**e a lot to celebrate

9. 保密29. argue with sb. about sth.

10. 聚钱30. come up with an idea

11. 关心31. get / achieve good / full marks in the test

12. 西方文化32. h**e success at school or work

13. 向某人解释某事33. speak in front of the whole school

14. 炫耀34. make a speech about star sign to teenagers

15. 一直35. recommend d**id as the chairman of the students’ union

16. 做实验36. be suitable for (the post)

17. 介意做某事37. h**e problems with the health

18. 积极参加38. get more organized

19. 与…相似39. h**e fun in doing sth.

20. 有幽默感40. wait for a long time without angry

词语辨析。divide v.“划分,分”divide sth.

into… 把…分成… the world is divided into 4 oceans and 7 continents.

similar adj. “相似的,类似的”。be similar tothe same“同样的, 同一的”the same as

active adj.“活跃的,积极的”,[反] inactive;actively adv.“活跃地,积极地”;act v.

“行动,扮演”n. “行为,举动”actor n. “男)演员” actress“女演员”action n.

“行为, 行动”action filmtake actions toactivity n.“活动”,after-school activitiesacting n.“表演”。

即时练1】1) since the plan about thehas been made up, we must takeat once.

2) he ishe takes part in after-school

3) gong li is an experiencedthrough heryears, shethe roles of strong chinese women very well.

confident adj.“自信的、有自信心的”。feel / be confident of / in sth.

/doing sth. 或者be confident that + 从句有“肯定的、确信的、有把握的”意思。confidence n.

“自信、有自信心”h**e confidence in sth / to do sth


at first, the girlsbut then they became

2)我对未来充满信心, 自信能当好主持人。 ithe future anda host.

3)我肯定你考试能够通过。 ithat you canthe exam.

leader n. “领导者”;lead v. “带领,领导”。

argue v.“辩论、争论”(双方意见不一,企图说服对方);[同] quarrel;n. argument;quarrel / argue with sb.

about / over sthdiscuss“讨论”(交换意见,达成一致)discuss sth. with sbdiscussion n.“讨论”。

in thetheywith each other over many problems. thelasted long.

forgive v.“原谅,宽恕”forgive sb. for sthlet’s forgive him for his mistake.

mistake n.“错误,失误”指判断或理解上的错误,或是粗心、疏忽而造成的错误,by mistakemake a mistakev.“误认为”,mistake sb.

(sth.) forfault“过失,过错”常指人在性格或办事方式上的“缺点,过失”。

probably adv. “大概,或许”。

explain v.“解释,说明,阐明”explain sth. to sbexplain + 从句explanation n. “解释,说明”。

即时练3】1) sam反复向父母说明他错误原因。samthe reason of his mistakeshis parents again and again.

2) simon解释说他的汽车出了毛病。 simonthatwith his car.


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