
发布 2022-07-31 08:34:28 阅读 8368

范围: unit 8知识点



1. go missing失踪2. tell the true讲实话

3. a computer engineer 电脑工程师4. make sb. enemies 使某人树敌。

5. lead to导致6. elderly couple年老夫妇

7. turn out原来是8. h**e nothing to do with与……无关。

prison坐牢10. be in a hurry to do sth匆忙做某事

11. a man of great wealth富有的人12. no criminal record 无犯罪记录。

tips安全措施14. shut all the windows关上所有窗户

against sth. 提防,防范16. get along/on with 与……和睦相处

he**ily 气喘吁吁18. bleed to death 流血致死

19. be guilty of 有……罪20. break into 强行闯入

a reward of……为……提供22.…of medium height 中等身高的……

23. be wounded with a knife 被刀致伤 charged with 被指控


1. he and nervous.

2. the victim [,a knife and bled to death as a result.

3. we’re now[, the scene more clues [,

4. the person was his boss.

5. it that he this case.

6. he catch a bus.

7. we should remember to when we le**e home.

8. we’d better too.

9. we need to around us.

10. bruce [,all of his neighbors except the man

11. bruce found a gold necklace outside the door.


was last seen le**ing his office…see sb. do sth. be seen to do sth.

我经常看到一个老人沿着这条路跑步。i often __an old man __the old man is often __run down the sb. doing sth.

be seen doing sth.老师看见两个男孩正在那儿讲话。the teacher saw the two boys __two boys___there.

death of this bright young engineer death, dead, dying, die


the __old man missed his __wife very much.

the __of the boy made his parents sad.

his grandpa __three years ago.

his grandpafor three years

into闯入,强行进入 broke broken

last night someone the shop and took away a number of watches.

out up into

the housebetween midnight and 5

charged with 被指控。

he was charged with breaking into several computer systems over the last year.

鲁侦探指控那个嫌疑犯**。detective luthe suspect

警察指控那位司机鲁莽驾驶。the police___the driver

in a hurry to do sth, hurry to do sth. hurry to sp

练习:were not sure他是否犯有**罪).

2他将被逮捕) for computer crimes.

3 . unluckily他最后因为失血过多而死亡).

4. 昨天晚上一名22岁的年轻男人被**了。

last night ayoung man

5. who闯入你们家) last night?

6他被看见在打网球) at ten last night.


want to know how hehis neighbour.(和邻居相处的怎样)?

9that woman长的什么样子)




i like the teacher who teaches us english.


please give me the book which i lent you yesterday.


i like the bike that/which my father bought me

the man who/that is sitting on the sofa is my brother.


)1. jamie is a young cook___wants to improve school dinners.

c./ d. what

)2. it’s time to say goodbye to my school. i’ll always remember the people __h**e helped me.

b. /c. which

)3. the place___interested me most was jiuzhaigou.

b. who d. /

)4. peter, there is someone in the officewould like to speak with you.

a. who b. which c. /d. what

)5. h**e you read the bookis about mars?

a. what b. that c. /d. who

)6. -do you know mo yan?

--of course. he is the famous writerwon the nobel prize in literature in 2012.

)7. the designershelped us build the library are from the uk.


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