
发布 2020-02-22 05:36:28 阅读 4429



unit 1 will people h**e robot?重点一般将来时。will是情态动词也是助动词+动词原形。

在将来in the future

in +时间表将来eg. people will use money in 100 years(how soon)

less +不可数名词 fewer +可数名词less pollution fewer cars

独自地alone独自地lonely孤独地(内心感受)i live alone, but i don't feel lonely

有能力做某事be able to do sth /can do sth

实现(后不加宾语come true

看见某人做某事/正在做某事 see sb do sth/doing sth

帮助某人某事/帮助某人做某事 help with sth/ help sb (to) do sth

许多的,数百的/成百上千的 hundreds of /thousands of

这儿有某人在做某事there be sb doing sth eg. there are some boys playing basketball.

unit 2. what should i do? 重点情态动词 should +动词原形。

足够的钱/足够的忙/足够的小心 enough money/ busy enough/carefully enough

一张球赛的票 a ticket to a ball game

某人对某事惊奇 sb be surprised at sth/sb be surprised to do

需要做某事 need to do sth

某人花钱做某事 sb pay money for sb

给某人买某物 buy sth for sb/ buy sb sth

从某人那借进来/借给某人某物 borrow sth from sb/ lend sth to sb

找出(通过观察发现事情的真相) find out

其他事 what else (other things)

我不知道我应该做什么/我不知道我应该怎样做 i don’t know what to do/what i should do

i don’t know how to do it/how i should do it.

和某人相处好 get on/ along with sb

尽你可能快的/多的 as much as possible/you can(could)

在一方面,在另一方面 on the one hand/ on the other hand

unit 3. what were you doing when the ufo arrived?

在---的前面in front of (外部)in the front of(内部)

起飞/脱掉take off(land反意)(put on反意)

感叹句的2种句型 how +adj/adv+主谓/what +a(n)+adj+n名词+主谓eg how beautiful the girl is!

amazed的用法 amazed +sb amazing+sth eg i am amazed at the amazing news

某人对某物惊奇/ 某人惊奇做某事 sb is amazed at sth/sb is amazed to do sth

举例说明when和while的联系和区别 the girl was shopping,when the alien got out.

while the girl was shopping, the alien got out

日常的/每天 everyday(adj) every day(adv) eg everyday life i exercise every day.

unit 4. he said i was hard-working. 重点直接引语变间接引语。


陈述句that/ 一般疑问句if/whether/ 特殊疑问句wh+(what ,who,where,when,why)

祈使句 ask/tell/order sb (not ) to do sth

1.人称变化一变三。 二变一,三不变。

2.时态变化主现在从不变,主过去从过去, 客观真理永现在。


4.指示代词,时间状语,地点状语, 动词变化。

this-- that, now--then, here--then, come-- go

生某人的气be/get mad at sb

在周五晚上on friday night

被要求或期望做某事 be supposed to do sth

在某方面/做某事很费事 h**e a hard difficult time with/doing sth

unit you go to the party, you will h**e a great time!


if it is sunny, i will go to the movies.

if it rains, i will stay at home.

通过---谋生 make a living by doing


) 1. people __able to own robots in the future.

a. areb. isc. will bed. were

) 2. there’s going to __a book show next week.

a. h**eb. bec. hasd. had

) 3tourists visit the great wall every day.

a. hundreds of b. hundred of c. hundreds d. hundred

) 4 there will be __cars and more buses in the future.

a. fewerb. lessc. littled. bit

) 5. the old man doesn’t like __in the big city.

a. live aloneb. to live alone c. living lonely d. to live lonely

) 6. i __it everywhere, but i didn’t __it.

a . looked for , looked for b. looked for , find c.

found , looked for d. find , look for

) 7. our teacher often tells us __to the old politely.

a. speakb .speaking c. to speakd. speak in

) really don’t know __

a. what should i do b. what to do c. what does d. what doing

) 9. we saw his sister __here at that moment.

a. playb. playedc. playingd. to play

) 10. what __you __when she came in?

a. did, dob. are, doing c. do, dod. were, doing

) workersthe bad weather and finished the building on time.

a. came overb. looked over c. got over d. went over

) very __at the __news.


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