
发布 2020-02-22 05:37:28 阅读 7014





2、 请将第一卷中最佳答案代号填入第二卷题前的**中相应号题后。



the baby stopped to cry .

baby stopped crying .

baby liked crying .

i want to wash a t-shirt for myself.

b. i want to put a t-shirt on the shelf.

c. i want to buy a t-shirt for myself.

5. a. the black shoes are too small for me .

b. the black shoes are too old for me .

c. the black shoes are too expensive for me .

ii 听小对话及问题,选择正确的答案。对话和问题读两遍。

dalian is quite cold most of the year .

are many companies in dalian.

c. dalian is a beautiful place .

7. a. walking b. swimming c. running

8. a. an actress director pop singer

green b. blue

some money b. something expensive c. flowers or sweets

iii 听对话,选择正确答案回答问题。每段对话读两遍。

听第一段对话,回答11.12 小题。

does the woman agree to h**e some coffee?

a, coffee has been made already .

can make her clearer.

c. coffee can make her healthier .

12. what does the woman think about too much sugar?

a. it’ll make coffee less bitter.

b. it’ll make us less sleepy.

do harm to our health.

听第二段对话,回答13-15 小题。

was the man doing in the past few days?

a. staying at home .

b. working on programs.

c. visiting london.

14. how many famous places are mentioned?

a. 5. b. 3. c. 2.

15. when did the man hear the sound of the big ben?

a. at the end of his visit london .

b. at the beginning of many tv and radio programs.

c. at any time throughout the nation.

iv. 听短文,选择正确答案回答问题,短文读两遍。

16. what is mrs smith ?

a. a doctor school teacher c. a businesswoman.

does she feel unhappy ?

she gets sick easily.

b. because she can’t drink or smoke.

she doesn’t make a lot of money

was the man doing when mrs smith saw him?

a. drinking wine in a chair. c. dancing to the music.

19. what does the man do every day?

a. he drinks little does exercise . c. he smokes a lot.

20. how old is the man ?

a. 29. b.59. c.69.

ii 单项选择。

21. –are you free tomorrow?

-- no, i won’t h**e a day __untill saturday.

a .away d. off

22. if you go there tomorrow,__

a. so do i b. so i do c .so i will d. so will i

23. it’s very kind __you to help us.

b. of c. with d. to

don’t know __he will come or not ._he comes , i’ll tell you .

if .b. whether , whether c. whether, if d. if, whether

had fun __in the park.

a. to play b. playing c. play d. plays

careful when___the street.

a. cross b. crossing c. crossed

27.--would you please tell me how long the program___

-about half an hour

a. had begun begun c. has been on been on

are___worse than your expectation.

a. very b. a bit of c. quite d. even

29. sir,you should __this letter,but you didn’t.

b. h**e posted c. h**e post d. had posted

30. don’t believe him because he is goot at __an excuse.

a .looking up b. giving up c. putting up d ****** up

31.. the wine___wonderful . it’s the best wine i___

a. is tasted ,h**e tasted b. is tasted, taste

c. tastes , h**e tasted d. tastes, taste

32 .a. school is being built now, i hope it___before august.

a. finishes b. will finish c. is finished d. will be finished

33. -will your brother come back ?

-- in three days.

a. how long b. how far c. how often d. how soon

year __people come to yun tai mountain on vacation .

a. thousand b. thousand of

of d. three thousands

35. -who is the man over there ? is it mr king ?

-- no, it __be him. mr king is much shorter and he**ier.

a. mustn’t b. may not c. can’t d. needn’t

36. the watch __last week has broken down.

a. which i bought it b. that i bought it c. i bought d. what i bought

people hope to pay___money for___things.

a. little, few ,fewer , more little , much

___we could h**e a vacation in newyork one day.


福州市2013 2014学年第一学期九年级期末质量检测。英语试卷参 及评分标准。第i卷 选择题共110分 第一部分听力 共三节,满分30分 第一节听对话选图。7.5 1 5 cbbab 第二节对话理解。15 6 10 ccbab11 15 cbbab第三节短文理解。7.5 16 20 cbbaa 第...


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