
发布 2020-02-22 05:28:28 阅读 9060








1. what do they like to collect?

abc. 2. what gift did mary’s mother give her for her birthday?

abc. 3. what does the girl need?

abc. 4. what are they talking about?

abc. 5. what does john’s father do?

a. he is a designerb. he is directorc. he is an actor

6. how far away is the hospital?

a. about 3 kilometres. b. about 2kilometresc. about 4 kilometres.

7. when will they work on the project?

a. tomorrow morning. b. tomorrow afternoonc. this evening.

8. what is too loud?

a. musicb. people quarrelling next door. c. noise from the street.

9. where was millie born?

a. in japanb. in the ukc. in the usa.

10. why isn’t the man eating much at dinner?

a. he is not hungry at all.

b. the food was not cooked correctly.

c. he does not enjoy japanese food.



答题完毕, 请等待“嘀”的信号,进入下一篇短文。

11. where does the girl want to walk?

a. by the riverb. in the forestc. along the street.

12. what does peter h**e problems with?

a. friendsb. studiesc. health


13. a. the city parkb. the youth centrec. the shopping mall

14. a. scary (恐怖) music b. people talking happily c. screams

15. a. round and wetb. big and dryc. small but he**y


16. when would marry like to go on a trip?

a. in juneb. in julyc. in august.

17. which famous place in paris does mary not write in her letter?

a. the river seineb. disneylandc. the eiffel tower

18. what kind of museum does mary want to see?

a. a science museum b. a history museumc. an art museum

19. which two kinds of transport does mary suggest?

a. underground and bike. b. walking and bikec. underground and taxi.

20. what is mary’s f**ourite souvenir?

a. postcardsb. toysc. paintings.


21. -how do you likecolor of my dress?

-- wonderful! i like it very much.

a. ab. anc. thed. /

22. these photos reminded usthe days we spent together in the country.

a. ofb. onc. tod. off

23. -what was jim wearing at the party?

---nothinghe was in his usual shirt and jeans.

a. specialb. ******c. importantd. interesting

24. hean english club last year and has improved his english a lot.

a. producedb. protectedc. joinedd. received

25. i’d like to do some voluntary work for the poor students in our town. i think it will be a meaningful

a. experimentb. lessonc. experienced. knowledge

26. though he was badly ill, hea good fight against his disease.

a. put onb. put upc. put awayd. put out

27. the famous medical scientist has devoted most of his lifeuseful ways in treating this cancer.

a. to studyingb. studyc. to studyd. studying

28. you don’t want to visit any other mountain if you h**e seen wu yue(五岳), but you won’t wish to see even wu yue(五岳returning from mount huangshan.

a. aboutb. beforec. sinced. after

29. be quick! the game will begin

a. immediatelyb. recentlyc. carefullyd. luckily

30. -i am a little hungry, mom.

---there are some cakes on the plate. you can take

a. itb. onec. thatd. this

31. -whatthe noise, bill?

--sorry, i broke my glass.

a. isb. wasc. has beend. will be

32. -dad, must we wait until the light becomes green?

---yes, i’m afraid wethat’s the traffic rule.

a. canb. mayc. h**e tod. need

33does your father play tennis after work?

-- every tuesday and thursday.

a. how oftenb. how soonc. whered. what time

34. the model plane isn’t as nice as my partner’s, butit was made by myself.


福州市2013 2014学年第一学期九年级期末质量检测。英语试卷参 及评分标准。第i卷 选择题共110分 第一部分听力 共三节,满分30分 第一节听对话选图。7.5 1 5 cbbab 第二节对话理解。15 6 10 ccbab11 15 cbbab第三节短文理解。7.5 16 20 cbbaa 第...


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