
发布 2020-02-22 05:09:28 阅读 5596



i) 听句子选择你所听到的单词或短语,并将其序号填入左边括号内。(5分)

)1. a. happily b. luckily c. quickly

)2. a. fall b. fell c. feel

)3. a. litter b. little c. letter

)4. a. in trouble b. in danger c. in surprise

)5. a. come on b. come out c. come over

ii) 听对话及问题,选择正确答案,并将其序号填入左边括号内。(5分)

)6. a. by bike. b. by car. c. by bus.

)7. a. her mother. b. her uncle. c. her aunt.

)8. a. he was reading a story .b. he was watching tv

c. he was writing an e-mail.

)9. a. at the airport. b. at the station. c. at the cinema.

)10. a. 6:00 b. 2:00 c. 10:00

iii) 听句子,选择与你所听到的句子意思最接近的选项,并将其序号填入左边括号内。(听两遍)(5分)

)11. a. joy likes english best. b. joy does well in english.

c. joy studies english hard.

)12. a. this month is july. b. next month is august.

c. this month is august.

)13. a. the teacher asked bill to be quiet.

b. the teacher asked bill to speak loud.

c. bill asked the teacher to be quiet.

)14. a. i’m free every day. b. i’m free on sunday.

c. i’m not free on sunday.

)15. a. tom jumps higher than peter.

b. peter jumps higher than tom.

c. peter does not jump so high as tom.

iv) 听短文,根据短文内容选择正确答案,并将其序号填入左边括号内。(听两遍)(5分)

)16. what does andy like?

a. he likes driving. b. he likes drinking. c. he likes swimming.

)17. how many times did andy decide to give up drinking ?

a. once. b. twicec. three times.

)18. charlie became angry because

a. andy hit a policeman b. andy was hurt c. andy drank again

)19. why did andy h**e to get off his car and push it?

a. because he left his licence at home.

b. because he had drunk too much.

c. because something was wrong with his car.

)20. which of the following sentences is not true about charlie?

a. he is helpful. b. he is a true friend. c. he does not like andy.


.根据句子的意思以及所给首字母或中文提示,补全单词 (每题1分,共5分)

1. the story is very i

2. now, i ‘m putting胶卷) in my camera.

3. i’ll never fyou for what you said to me.

4. i do my家庭作业)every day.

5.“hyourself to some fish .”said danny.








) useful book. it helps us __lot.

a. an ; a b. an; an c. a; an d. a; a

) teacher has given the answersthese questions.

a. with b. for c. of d. to

) at those big black clouds. it rain. let’s hurry.

a. must b. may c. would d. is going to

) has friends except me. and sometimes she feels lonely

a. many b. some c. few d. more

) is __of the two girls.

a. the taller b. the tallest c. taller d. tallest

) mother often tells him __spend too much time playing

computer games.

a. not to b. to not c. don’t d. doesn’t

)7.—good luck and h**e a nice weekend.


a. the same to you b. you h**e it too

c. you are too d. the same as you

)8. lucky people they are!

a. what b. to play c. what an d. how

)9.—your father is sleeping now. could you___the music a bit?

—ok. mum.

a. turn up b. turn down c. turn on d. turn off

)10.—h**e you ever been to guilin?

yes. i___there four months ago.

a. h**e been b. h**e gone c. had been d. went

)11.—where’s my dictionary?

—oh sorry. i h**e taken___by mistake.

a. yours b. his c. hers d. mine

)12.—could you tell me___

—she came here on foot.

a. where kate came from b. when kate came here

c. how kate came here d. why kate didn’t come here

( )13.—which is___river in china?


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