九年级英语1单元讲义 打印完成

发布 2022-07-31 16:12:28 阅读 4288

unit 1 how do you study for a test?

i.话题:learning how to learn.

--how do you study for a test? -i study by working with my classmates.

--do you learn english by reading aloud? -yes, i do.

--h**e you ever studied with a group? -yes, i h**e. i’ve learned a lot that way.

ii. 语法:


1做主语:memorizing the words of pop songs helped a little.

拓展】有些词既可接不定式又可接ing 做宾语,但表达的意思不同,常见的有:

1 stop to do sth 停下来去做另外一件事(不定式做目的状语);stop doing sth 停止做某事(v.-ing做宾语)

2 try to do sth试图做某事;try doing sth 尝试着做某事

3 remember/forget to do sth 记着/忘记要去做某事(还没做);remember/forget doing sth 记得/忘记做过了某事(已做)

中考链接:1.(2012 上海) stop __about the traffic.

just think about what we can do to improve it.

a. complain b. to complain c. complaining d. complained

2. (2011 四川成都) while we were running on the playground, jack suddenly stopped __and lay on the ground, so we all stopped __what was wrong with him. a.

to run ; to see b. running ; seeing c. running ; to see

3. (2011 福建) -don’t forget __your history books tomorrow morning. -i won’t.

a. bring b. to bring d.

bringing 4. (2009 四川攀枝花) in order to win the first place in the contest, he practiced __the english song, but he found it difficult __the lyrics. a.

to sing; to remember b. to sing; remembering c. singing; to remember d.

singing; remembering

5.(2009 湖南常德) -would you mind __soccer ball here? -sorry.

we’ll go and play on the playground. a. playing b.

not playing c. not to play

6.(2009 湖南益阳) no one knew why the woman kept __at the party.

a. laugh b. to laugh c. laughing

iii. 重点词汇。

1. deal v.

1) deal 常与介词连用表示“处理、对待”,其后常接trouble, problem等词。

2) deal with 常与疑问词___连用;do with 多与疑问词连用。

趁热打铁:( 1.--many students don’t know how to __stress and become worried.

i think they should ask their teachers for help.

a. argue with b. do with c. come up with d. deal with

)2 what are you going to处理) the computer.

2. unless conj.

1) unless 引导条件状语从句,常与if...not 互换。

2) unless 引导条件状语从句和if一样,若主句为一般将来时,从句用一般现在时。

中考链接:1. (2012 济宁) i won’t take part in julie’s birthday party __i am invited.

a.unless b. after c. because d. if

2. (2012 宁夏)we will be punished __we break the law。 a.

until b. if c. unless d.


3. (2008 沈阳) i’ll park the car at pacific place, _the car park there is full. a.

unless b. if c. when

3. easily adv.

中考链接1.(2010 河北)the internet is very useful for us. we can __find information.

a. easy b. easily c. hard d. hardly

2.(2012 兰州) i caneasy) recognize her although we h**en’t seen each other for a long time.

4. afraid adj.

be afraid (terrified) of sth/doing / be afraid (terrified) to do / be afraid + that clause

趁热打铁:1) i am afraid of蛇)

2) she and her little brother were afraid of坐飞机).

3) i am afraid课上犯错误).

4) i am afraid我们会迟到).


how do you study? by working with a group. by 在此句中意为___通过后加__v-ing形式___介词短语做方式状语,回答以how开头的问句。

2)by 的固定搭配和词组:①到……的末尾。


中考链接:1.(2012 宁夏)--how do you communicate with your foreign friends.

writing with b. by c. at d. from

2. (2012 重庆)--could you tell meby searching the internet.

a. how you got the information b. why you got the information

c. how did you get the information d. why did you get the information

sometimes, he finds watching movies frustrating because the people speak too quickly.


趁热打铁:i find memorizing words very有趣)。

拓展】①i found him working on the farm. ②i find it difficult to learn english well.

i found it a difficult book.

find 的其他用法。

find+sb./sth.+_doingfind+it+adj.+_to do sthfind+sb./sth.+_n.__


1).most young people发现足球比赛令人兴奋)。

2).tom’s mother __发现他打游戏)computer games just now.

3). people find john一个诚实的孩子).

4). while leaning english, i find __important to speak and write. a.

this b. that c. it d.


中考链接:(2012 呼和浩特)last night the old man found it difficultfall asleep)because was a loud noise upstairs.

九年级阅读讲义 1

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