2019九年级英语竞赛试卷 打印

发布 2020-05-15 11:08:28 阅读 3486


学校: 姓名: 班别。














27、语言28、牙膏 29、实验。

30、描写,叙述 31、做某事(没)有困难。


34、mention35、be short of

36、translate...into 37autumn

38、turn down39、divide...into

40、at home and abroad




5、 invent(名词6、sheep(复数。





15、communicate(名词16、buy (过去分词。




) was supposed __in hospital , but people found her in the office .

a. to lie b. lying c. lie d. lies

) father likes going hiking

a. so does his mother b. so is his mother

c. so his mother is d. so his mother does

) you __on the phone .

a. is wanted c. are wanting d. are wanted

) door is not __for the elephant to pass.

a. wide enough b. widely enough c. enough wide d. enough widely

) talk to simon like that. he is just___eleven –year- old boy.

a. a b. an c. the d. /

)6.__you __your brother can join us. we want one of you.

a. both; and b. neither; nor c. either; or d. not only; but also

)7.—i saw kevin in the supermarket this morning

—no, it___him. he moved to canada last week.

a. can be b. must be c. can’t be d. mustn’t be

)8.—we can use qq to chat with each other on the internet. —really ?

will you please show me___it.?

a. how to use b. what to use c. how can i use d. what can i use

)9.—do you know her well ? sure. we___friends since ten years ago.

a. wereb. h**e made c. h**e been d. h**e become

) greens will visit hainan as soon as they___to china.

a. comes b. come c. came d. will come

policeman asked the boy___

a. where is his mother b. where his mother is

c. where was his mother d. where his mother was

) the asian games, _people came to guangzhou for a visit during holidays.

a. thousand b. thousands of c. five thousands thousands of

) who drink wine __to drive after may day.

a. don’t allowb. isn’t allowed

c. mustn’t allow d. mustn’t be allowed

)14.—alice had nothing for breakfast this morning

no. she got up too late.

a. had she b. hadn’t she c. did shed. didn’t she

math teacher __in our school for 20 years and he __here when he was 23 years old.

a. has taught, has comeb. taught, comes

c. taught, camed. has taught, came

) is bad for your health. you’d better __

a. set it up b. give it up c. pick it upd. look it up

)17.—let’s go fishing if it __this weekend.

but nobody knows if it __

a. is fine, will rainb. will be fine, rains

c. will be fine, will raind. is fine; rains

)18.—would you mind if i sit hereit’s for miss zhang.

a. better not b. never mind c. not at all d. of course not

) in the chicken when you called her at 5 o’clock this afternoon?

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