
发布 2020-02-21 05:27:28 阅读 2566

九年级英语新目标上unit 1 how do you study for a test?




my father goes to work by bike.我爸爸自行车去上班。


my brother studies history by working with a group. 我哥哥通过小组合作学习历史。

he makes a living by teaching. 他靠教书为生。

)i study english grammer by notes.

a. take b. takes c. taking d. to take



一how do you learn english? 你怎样学英语?i

-i learn english by studying with a group. 我通过小组学习英语。

how do you go to school? 你怎么去学校?

一by bus. 坐公共汽车。

teacher wang studied japanese by listening to tapes.(对划线部分提问)

teacher wang study japanese?

2.add v.增加,加;补充说,继续说。

add 2 to 3 and you get 58.二加三等于五。

i’ll come later,” he added.“我随后就到。” 他又说道。

add也可作为不及物动词使用,常和介词to连用构成词组add to,意为“增加;增添”。

the news added to our joy.这个消息增添了我们的欢乐。


)he added that h**ing conversation with friends was not helpful at a11.

a.say b.sayed again c.say again d.said again

3.ask sb.for help 向某人求助;求助于……

if you lose the way in the street, you can ask the police for help.


注意:ask for意为“向某人要……”

i asked for the ticket from my best friend.我向最好的朋友要到了这张票。

)i learn english by asking the teacher help.

a.of b.for c.about d.with

4.what about…?…怎么样呢?

what about相当于how about。常用来询问消息或征求意见。后面可以跟名词、代词或动词—ing形式。

what about taking a bus ? 乘公共汽车怎么样?

)it is fine today.what about ?

a.go swimming b.go to swim

c.going swimming d.going to swim

除what about…? 征求对方意见之外,还可用下列方式:

let’s+do sth.

let’s play basketball.

why not+do sth./why don’t you do sth.

why not go there by bus?

shall i/we +do sth.

shall we go to the park on foot?


why notread) english aloud in the morning?

5.it’s too hard to understand the voices. 听懂这些声音非常难。

本句结构是it作形式主语,不定式短语作真正的主语。要注意该结构和too…to…结构的区别。too+adj/adv.+to do sth.意为“太……而不能……"表示否定意义。

my sister is too young to go to schoo1.我妹妹太小,还不能上学。

) he is __to lift the he**y box.(07年平凉市)

weak too enough d. enough weak

6.i study by listening to cassettes 我通过听录音来学习。

by+动词-ing短语”作动词study的方式状语, 意为通过……的方式。

he is improving his english by practicing spoken english.


)he went to londonair

a. in b. by c. with d. use

7.impress v.使感动,给某人深刻印象当该词作“给……深刻印象”解时是及物动词,但不能接双宾语,常用短语impress sb.with sth.或impress sth.on/upon sb.意为“将某事铭刻在某人的记忆里”。

the boy impressed his classmates with his liveliness.


注意:impress常用被动语态或系表结构,be impressed by/with为……所感动。


the girl’s mother was veryimpress) when she knew they would help them.

8.make mistakes犯错,出错。

该短语还可以说make a mistake,在某方面犯错误用in。

i used to make spelling mistakes.=i used to make mistakes in spelling.


注意:by mistake为介词短语,意为“由于出差错”,常在句中作状语。

i took your book by mistake.


)she seldom(很少)speaks english after class,for she was afraid


a.to make,of b.******,of

c.to be made,in d.of ******,in

9.i don’t know how to use commas. 我不知道如何使用逗号。

how to use commas为“疑问词+动词不定式”的复合结构,在句中作及物动词的宾语。

动词不定式前面有时加上连接代词what,which或连接副词when,where,how,主要用于know,tell,wonder,ask,find out,learn等动词之后作宾语,有时也作主语。

can you tell me where to go? 你能告诉我去哪儿吗?

)i can’t send an e-mail.would you please show meit?

a.doing b.to do c.what to do d.how to do

she has found out where she can buy fruit cheaply.(改为同义句)

she has found outfruit cheaply?

10.1 was afraid to speak in class. 我害怕在课堂上发言。

be afraid to do sth.表示“害怕做……,不敢做……"

the girls are afraid to go out at night. 女孩们害怕晚上出去。

类似词组:be afraid of… 害怕……,后加名词或代词。

the girl is afraid of dogs.这个女孩害怕狗。


she害怕) sleep alone.

11.…she had trouble ****** complete sentences. …她在造句中遇到了困难。

h**e trouble/difficulty/problem (in) doing sth. 表示“做某事有困难”。

h**e trouble/difficulty/problem with sth.表示“做某事有困难”。

she had some problems getting to the top of the mountain.


)sue has difficultymath,so she often asks me for help.

九年级英语1 4单元短语

1向老师寻求帮助2询问某人关于某事。3请求某人做某事4和小组成员一起学习。5以那种方式学到很多6太 而不能。7朗读8和朋友一起练习会话。9练习说英语10卫明有不同的感受。11看见某人做某事 全过程动作以结束。12看见某人正在做某事 片段真在进行。13加入英语俱乐部14一点也不,根本不。15终止做某事...

九年级英语 1 4单元 短语

九年级英语 1 4单元 短语。unit11.by working with friends通过和朋友一起学习。2.make flashcards制作抽认卡。3.ask for请求 向 要。4.make vocabulary lists制作词汇表。5.work study with a group和小...


1 通过读课文。2 向老师求助。3 小组学习。4 和某人交谈。sb5 大声朗读。6 提高我的口语技能。7 英语口语。8 做报告。9 一个很慢的读者。10 抓住主题。11读词组。12 逐字逐句的读。13 猜一个词的意思。14 它前后的句子。the it 15 对有耐心。sb16 语言学习的秘密。the...