
发布 2022-08-14 07:49:28 阅读 7335

九年级上学期英语单元复习 (月考一)


一、 词组。

1. 去过某地h**e/has been to… (所指的人在说话某地,已经回来了)

2. 去了某地h**e/has gone to… (所指的人不在说话现场)

3. 发生take place

4. 如此…以致…so+形容词that…/ such+名词that…

5. 从…学习很多learn a lot from…

6. 其他任何…any other+单数名词。

7. 其他任何地方any other place

8. 没有时间去做某事h**e no time to do sth.

9. 一群…a group of…

10. 上演,穿上put on

11. 生活条件living conditions

12. 和…保持联系keep in touch with…

13. 在20世纪六十年代in the 1960s

14. 接受良好教育receive a good education

15. 成功做某事 succeed in doing sth.

16. 为了…in order to …

17. 取得快速进步make rapid progress

18. 满足人们的需要satisfy people’s needs

19. 在…方面起着重要作用play an important part in…

20. 听收音机listen to the radio

21. 在某人的空闲时间in one’s spare time/ in one’s free time

22. 近年来in recent years (时态用现在完成时)

23. 去国外旅游 make a tour abroad

24. 迷路get lost

25. 打**给某人ring sb. up/ call sb. up/give sb. a telephone call

26. 憎恨去做某事hate to do sth./ hate doing sth.

27. …也是 so+是动词/助动词/情态动词+人称。

28. …的确如此 so+人称+是动词/助动词/情态动词。

29. 在**上on the phone

30. 附近的电影院the cinema nearby

31. 执行carry out

32. 五分之二 two fifths


33. 生活空间living space

34. 少( 后面接可数名词 few-fewer-fewest)

35. 少(后面接不可数名词 little-less-least)

36. 坏 bad-worse-worst

37. 到目前为止so far( 时态用现在完成时)

38. 采取措施去做某事take measures to do …

39. 在…方面进展得好work well in…

40. 以…著称 be known as…(一般后面接职业)

41. 以…出名 be famous for…(一般后面接地方)

42. 多亏…thanks to…

43. 处理deal with

44. 本地人local people

45. 过去常常做某事get used to do sth

46. 习惯做某事 be/get used to doing sth.

47. 事实上as a matter of fact/ in fact

48. 数百万学生millions of students ( 没有具体数字, 量词要加s 和of)

49. 两千学生 two thousand students (有具体数字,量词不用加s 和of)

50. 过着正常的生活live a normal life

51. 有需要的人 people in need

52. 频临灭绝的动物 animals in danger

53. 有麻烦的人 people in touble

54. 提供某人某物provide sb. with sth./ provied sth. for sb.

offer sb. sth.= offer sth. to sb.

55. 感觉良好feel good about oneself

56. 故意on purpose

57. 童工 child laborers

58. 残忍的战争cruel wars

59. 挣钱earn money/ make money

60. 短期,短时间a short period of time= a short time

61. 作出重要的贡献make important contribution to…

62. 结果as a result

63. 没有…的帮助下without the help of…

64. 继续某人的学业continue one’s study

65. 大量的 plenty of…

66. 接近于…get close to…

67. 直至2024年 by 2012 (时态用现在完成时)


1. 你去了哪?where h**e you been?

2. 帮助别人使我们开心 to help others makes us happy. (动词不定式做主语)

3. 虽然我没有时间去旅游,但是我仍然觉得很开心。(though和but不可同用)

though i had no time to tr**el, i still felt very happy.

4. 铃响了。there goes the bell. (倒装句)

5. 中国的人口有多少?what’s the population of china?

6. 广东的天气比北京的天气要热。

the weather in guangdong is hotter than that in beijing.

7. 报纸上写着世界的人口有68亿。

it says the world has a population of 6.8 billion.

8. 我刚回来。i h**e just come back.

9. 我从来没有去过那里。 i h**e never been there before.

10. 中国已经达到13亿人口。china has already reached 1.3 billion.

11. 你找到他了吗?h**e you found him yet?

12. 安有没有清洁房间?has ann ever cleaned rooms?

13. 她住在北京有超过四十年了。she has lived in beijing for more than 40 years.

14. 自从我三岁以来我就住在这里了。i h**e lived here since i was three.

15. 在过去,年轻人几乎没有机会外出玩得高兴。

in the past, teenagers hardly had any chance to go out and h**e fun.


become – became –become 变成。

begin - began- begun 开始。

build – built - built 建造。

buy- bought – bought 买。

come- came – come 来。

cut – cut – cut 切,割,剪。

do – did – done 做。

drive – drove – driven 驾驶。

feed- fed – fed 喂, 养。

feel – felt- felt 感觉。

find – found – found 发现。

get – got – got 得到。

go – went – gone 走。

h**e/has- had – had 有。

hear – heard- heard 听见。

hurt – hurt – hurt 受伤。

keep – kept – kept 保持。

know- knew- known 知道。

learn – learnt – learnt 学习。

make- made – made 制造。

meet – met – met 遇见,相会。

put – put- put 放。

ring – rang – rung (铃) 响。

say – said – said 说。

see – saw – seen 看见。

sing- sang – sung 唱歌。

steal – stole – stolen 偷。

take – took – taken 拿。

选择题: )1. weour breakfast. weit at school at 6:30.

a. h**e had; h**e had b. h**e had, had

c. had, h**e had d. had, had

) 2. ─by the way, where is li lei?


a. has been b. has been to c. has gone d. has gone to

) 3. ─h**e you evermy stamps?

yes, ithem on your desk yesterday.

a. saw; saw b. saw; seen c. seen; saw d. seen; was seeing

) 4. ─you h**e made great progress in english.

a. so i do. b. so do i. c. so i h**e d. so h**e i.

) 5. i didn’t know whatto her last night.

a. was happened b. happening c. happened d. was happen

) 6. japan is acountry while china is acountry.

a. developing; developed b. developing; developing

c. developed; developing d. developed; developed

) 7. ─why don’t you come and h**e lunch with me?


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