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单元十三讲与练 (book 5 unit 13---unit 15)


1. scientific (adj)--science (n) 科学---scientist (n) 科学家。

2. hard (adj)困难的 eg: this is a hard work.


eg: hard seats make customers want to le**e.

(adv) 努力地,幸苦地 eg: tom works hard.

注意:hardly 是“几乎不”,并不是hard的副词。

3. serve(v) serve sb sth=serve sb with sth 用、、、招待某人。

4. fair (adj) →反义词 unfair(adj)

5. shiny (adj) -shine (v)发光,发亮 shinier---shiniest

6. truth (n事实,真理,不可数名词) →truly(adv)

true(adj) to tell the truth 说实话。

7. taste (n) 品味 different tastes (v) 尝起来+adj ②tasty(美味的)

8. thought (n)想法,考虑,可数名词-s

(v) think的过去式过去分词

9. wood (n)木头(不可数名词) a piece of wood ②森林,可数名词 woods

(adj木制的) wooden

10. light (adj) “轻的”→he**y(反) “浅色的”→dark(反)

n) 灯光,光线。

(v) 点燃,点亮 lit/lighted (过去式)→lit/lighted (过去分词)

11. farm (n) 农场→ farmer (农民)

12. hit (n) 成功且轰动一时的人或事物 make a hit 大获成功。

v)打击,碰撞 hit(过去式)→hit (过去分词) hitting

13. appear → 反义词disappear)→(n出现 appearance)

14. turn (n) 机会 it’s one’s turn to do sth=take turns to do sth 轮流做某事。

(v) 旋转,翻动。

15. villager (n 村民) →village 村庄 17. the purpose of的目的。

16. strong (adj.强壮的) →strongly (adv) 坚定地,坚决地,还可指风刮得大。

eg: the wind is blowing strongly. believe strongly 坚信。

18. weigh (v) →称。的重量 weight (n) 重量。

表达→ expression(n) 词语,表达方式。

(v) →built→built building (n) 建筑物,楼房。

(v) 拉,拖→ push (v) 推。

(n) 产品→ produce(v) 产生。

美,美貌 → beautiful(adj) 美丽的 → beautifully(adv) 美丽地。

→ beautify(v) 使。美丽,美化。

24. aim (v) 瞄准,针对 aim at...针对,瞄准。

25. for instance= for example 后面要有“,”隔开,such as 放于句中。

26. confuse (v) 使困惑→(adj困惑的) confused(人) confusing (物)

27. lead sb to do sth 引导某人去做某事 lead to 导致。

(adj) 被污染的→ pollute(v) 污染→ pollution (n)污染。

(v)教育→ education (n) →educational (n)具有教育意义的 →educator (n) 教育家。

表**低/高 cheap/expensive 表物品的贱/贵。

31. be surprised to do sth 对做感到很惊讶。

of 听说 eg: i h**e never heard of him.

hear from sb=get a letter from sb=receive a letter from sb=h**e a letter from sb

收到某人的来信 eg: do you hear from your friend?

33. be made of 由、、、制成,看见原材料 eg: the table is made of wood.

be made from 由、、、制成,看不见原材料

eg: this kind of clothes are made from silk.

be made in + 某物产于某地” in 后接表地点的名词

eg: the tv set is made in japan.

be made by+动作的执行者由谁制造。

be made up of 由、、、组成。

34. what do you think of sth= how do you like sth= how do you feel about sth 你认为什么怎么样。

35. a lot/ a bit/ a little/ much+adj(比较级)

36. win(赢,获胜)→award/prize/match beat(打败)→人/团队。

37. turn off(关闭)→turn on (打开) turn down (关小调低)→ turn up (开大)

38. 英语中表示事物的长、宽、高、深、远等得基本结构为:


eg: the bridge is 150 meters long./ the building is 95 meters high.


1. make +宾语+形容词 “使某人。使变成。使处于某种状态”

eg: for him made me angry./the good news made us happy.

2. -what makes him so __happily)

---his wish to be an actor has come true.

②make sb do sth “使某人做某事”eg: sad music make her want to le**e.

she is made to want to le**e by sad music.

make+宾语+过去分词 “使。被。

eg: read slowly in order to make the text understood.

already packed my sunglases. →i h**en’t packed my sunglasses yet.

h**e you packed your sunglasses yet?



1. don’t believe him. he didn’t tell you the t___

2. the hard seats made us __comfortable).

3. the food __taste) delicious.

4. peter won an a___for his wonderful performance in the show.

5. the room is dark. please l___the candle.

f**orite pet died. it has been __die) for two days.

7. when i got home, my father was watching yao ming __play) basketball on tv.

8. drug taking is a___the law.

9. the building is too old and dangerous. it should be p___down.

10. what is your p___in doing it like this?

11. walk slowly along the river and you can enjoy the b___of our town.

12. jack is an o___student. he has been abroad for a long time.

13. walking hard at english can __引导) to a good job.

14对亏) the government, thousands of people in wenchuan h**e moved into their new houses.

15. our teachers are always trying to find __科学的) ways to teach us.

16. when i first ate in a __west) restaurant, i didn’t know what to do.

中考英语复习 1 名词讲练

所谓名词也就是表示人或事物的名称的词,说得简单些,也就是我们为了区别事物,而给他们取的名字。名词可以分为专有名词和普通名词。专有名词是指个别的人 事物 地点或机构等专有名称的词,第一个字母要大写。普通名词又可分为可数与不可数两种形式。接下来我们就从以下几个方面来复习名词 一 名词的数 二 名词的所有...


section a page 33 1.be made of 由 做成的 发生物理变化,可以看出原材料 be made from 由 做成的 发生了化学变化,看不出原材料 题 is made wood.the desk is madewood.请不要买象牙制品。拓展 1 be made in 在某地...


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