
发布 2022-07-26 07:58:28 阅读 2989

unit 7 teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes .短语总结:

1.允许某人做某事allow sb. to do sth.

2.某人被允许做某事sb. be allowedto do sth.

3.十六岁的青少年sixteen year olds / sixteen-year-old teenagers4.扎耳洞get / h**e one’s ears pierced 5.

不够稳重not serious enough6.停止正在做的事情stop doing /停下来做另一件事情stop to do sth.7.



brother has just got hisdrive) license .

shouldallowsurf) the internet . must stoptalk) and listen to me carefully .

going to h**e the computerrepair) this afternoon . summer i had a chancevisit) london.

friends 9.对…感到兴奋be excited about 10.拍照take photos

11.确保,确信make sure 12.使某人远离危险keep sb.

from danger13.给某人一个拥抱give sb. a hug 14.

迟到be late for /arrive late for15.后悔做过某事regretdoingsth.16.

自己做决定makeone’sowndecisions17.做兼职工作h**e / get part-time jobs

18.鼓励某人做某事encourage sb. to do sth.

19.同意某人agree with sb.20.


21.从工作中学到很多learn a lot from working22.使青少年远离因特网keep teenagers away from the internet23.

给某人机会做某事give sb. chances to do sth.

24.设法做成某事manage to do sth.25.跟。顶嘴talk back to ..句子翻译:








8.你认为我们必须使青少年远离因特网吗? will be hard for us __get) up early in the morning if wego to

bed too late.

captain cares about thesafe) of the watch doesn’t work . it needsrepair) .regrettalk) back to my mother .

will managepass ) the exam even though it is ***** shouldn’tthrow) everywhereit’s our duty

to keep our city clean .

12.--how often do i need to feed the dog ?

--it mustgive) food every day , or it will be hungry.

13.-look at the sigh on the right.--oh,smokingnot allow) is wrong with my mobile phone .

i will get it __repair).课文填空:

many teenagers h**e hobbies . but sometimes these __get) in theway of their schoolwork , and parents might __worry) about theirsucceed) their hobbies as much as they want . do you agree ?

liu yu , a fifteen–year–old boy from shandong , is arun) .ofcoursewant___see) himachieve) his dreams ,”says mr. liu .

“andweknowhowmuchhe___love) !but we think our son needs __think ) about otherpossible now, so he needs___think)aboutwhathappen)ifhenotend)upasa

professional runner .”

liuyudoesn’treallyagree .“well,ithinkishould___allowdecide) for myself ,”he says .“my parents h**e always taughtmehowimportantitis___work)hardatschoolandenteruniversity .

i understand this , but i’m serious aboutrun) .it’sthe only thing i’ve wanted to do.”

his parents believe that liu yu should study hard in the evenings so theydon’t allow himpracticerun) at night .“should try our best实现目标)

a professional basketball player , he对打篮球很认真)。

改错妨碍)theirschoolwork,andparentsmightworryabouttheirsuccessatschool .teenagersshouldallowtopracticetheirhobbies as many as they want . do you agree ?

liu yu , a fifteen–years–old boy from shandong , is a running star. hehe thinks it’s too strict or unfair ,”saysmrs. liu .

“but we think we’redoing the right thing . he needsspend) time __介词)hisschoolworkbecauseitisdifficultbecome)aprofessionalsports star.”

but liu yu disagrees .“i know my parents care about me . they alwaystalkabout what __happen ) if i don’t succeed .

buti will! i’m aquickrunner!ithinkishouldbeallowedmake)thischoicemyself .

only then will i h**e a chanceachieve) my dream.”section b短语。

1.某人要求严格be strict with sb.2.担心worry about

3.挡…的路,妨碍getinthewayof4.实现某人的梦想achieveone’sdream 5.

不反对…h**e nothing against6.对…认真be serious about7.花费时间做某事spend time doing sth.

/spend time in sth.8.成功做某事succeed in doing sth.

9.有机会做某事h**e a chance to do sth. 10.关心,在意care about句子翻译:





parents不赞成) her work.

computer games may妨碍)his study.

isin hisschoolteam and hasalways wantedto be a professionalrunnerwhenhegrowuphisparentswon’tallowhimtrainsomuch .“of course we want to see him to achieve his dreams ,”says .“and weknow howmuchhelovesrunning .

mywifeandih**esupported every one of his race. we h**e nothing against running ! but wethink our son needs to think about other possible job.

he’s getting old now,soheneedstothinkaboutwhatwillhappenifhedon’tendupasaprofessional runner .”

liu yu doesn’t really agree .“well , i think i should be allowed to decideformyself,”hesays.“myparentsh**ealwaystaughtmewhatimportant it is to work hard at school and enter university .

i understandthis,buti’m对。认真)running .it’stheonlythingi’vewanted to do.

”his parents believe that liu yu should study hard in the evenings so theydon’t allow him practice run at night .“maybe he thinks it’s too strict orunfair ,”says .“but we think we’re doing the right thing .

heneedstospend) sports star.”

but liu yu disagrees .“i know my parents care about me . they alwaystalkaboutwhathappensifidon’tsucceed .

butiwill!i’maquickrunner!ithinkishouldbeallowedtomake)thischoicemyself .

onlythen i will h**e a chance achieve my dream.”


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