初三英语九年级1 7复习

发布 2022-08-07 17:44:28 阅读 3197


词组复习:1. 犯错。

2. 稍后、随后。

3. 没关系。

4. 害怕做…

5. 嘲笑…

6. 记笔记。

7. 查找、查阅。

8. 编造、拼凑、组成。

9. 处理。

10. 对…生气。

11. 过去、消逝。

12. 尽力。

13. 突然中断、中止。

14. 过去常常。

15. 害怕…

16. 睡觉。

17. 最终。

18. 做决定。

19. 使…吃惊的事。

20. 尽管。

21. 不再。

22. 对…感到自豪。

23. 注意…

24. 放弃。

25. 取而代之…

26. 熬夜。

27. 专心于…

28. 目前。

29. 养老院。

30. 妨碍人的。

31. 担心、关心。

32. 如果…将会如何。

33. 一点儿也不。

34. 足够的。

35. 与…相处。

36. 使…失望

37. 想出…

38. 发表。

39. 属于。

40. 用完。

41. 关掉。

42. 展览、陈列。

43. 适合某人。

44. 老实说。

45. 有害。

46. 与…保持距离。

47. 意见一致。

48. 别紧张。

49. 一般来说。

50. 成千上万的。

51. 尽快地。

52. 愿意做…

53. 相当多。

54. 梦想…



u1 by 介词:表方式:“由,靠,通过”,后面跟动词-ing 形式。

对斜体部分提问用how+一般疑问句?eg. we study english by working with a group.

我们通过小组学习学英语。提问:how do you study english?

1) how do you study english?-by __listen) to tapes

2) this old man makes a living by __drive) a taxi.

3) we study for our math test by asking the teacher for help.(提问you __for your math test?

4)--how do you study english? -i study bya group.(和小组一起学习)

---by __an english tutor. (请英语家教the teacher请教老师)

5)--what aboutcassettes? (听磁带)--i do that sometimes. i think it helps.

u2. used to 过去常常做某事,暗指现在已经不存在的动作或状态。 后跟动词原形。

否定形式为: didn’t use to 或 use not to / usedn’t to

疑问形式为: did…use to…? 或 used…to…?

i used to be really quiet.



2.放学后他过去常常踢足球。heplay football after school.

3.他过去常吸烟。 he玛丽过去很矮。maryshort.

used to __with her parents, but now she is used __with her classmates at school.

a. live, to living b. live, to live c. living, to living d. living, to live


u3 被动语态。

一般现在时被动语态am / is / are +动词的过去分词。

一般过去时被动语态was / were +动词的过去分词。

含有情态动词的被动语态情态动词+ be+动词的过去分词。

一般将来时的被动语态will + be+动词的过去分词。

we plant trees every yeartrees are planted by us every year.

plant the trees every day.(变被动语态) the treesevery day.

2. her father takes her to school on monday. sheto school on monday.

3 lucy looked after the baby for a day. the babyby lucy for a day.

4 she washed some clothes on weekend. some clothesby her on weekends.

roomevery day. (us every spring. (plant)

29th olympic gamesin beijing. (hold) photosby them yesterday. (take)

9. your homework canin tomorrow. (hand) in trouble shouldn’tat. (laugh)

11an e-mailto you in 5 minutes. (send)

u4 虚拟语气构成: 主句:主语+would/should/could/might+动词原形从句:if+主语+动词过去式(be动词一律用were)+其它

1. whatyoudo) if yoube)the man in the movie?

2 if i __you , i __to the city to find a job to make money. a am, will go b was , went c. were, would go d was, should go

3. -what would you do if you __the test? -i’d probably not tell my parents.

a. passed b. pass c.

failed d. fail

4. if he __here, that’s very good. a. is b. was c. were d. has been

5. what would you do if youwin ) a scholarship?

u5 情态动词表推测。

a) he __be playing basketball now. 他现在可能正在打篮球。

b) i’m sure that shestay at home. 我确信她不在家。

c) he __be walking in the garden. 他肯定在花园里散步。

d) whose notebook is this? it __ning’s. it has her name on it.

whose t-shirt is this? it __john’s. it’s much too small for him

u6 定语从句。

1. the students who don’t study hard will not pass the exam.

2. the woman whom you saw in the park is our english teacher.

3. a shoe shop is a shop which sells shoes.

4. the book that you want is on the desk.

u7t': span', c': include, tr**el, visit, take, learn ',r': r_8'}]

for your next vacation, why not consider __paris?paris is the capital of the liveliest cities in europe. it has some fantastic sights, _the eiffel tower and notre dame cathedral, one of the most famous churches in the world.

_aroud paris by taxi can cost a lot of money, but it’s usually convenient __the underground train to most places. most people in france __english. but many don’t like to speak it.

so unless you speak french yourself, it’s best to tr**el with someone who can translate things for you.

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