
发布 2021-05-19 03:50:28 阅读 9002


it’s interesting for the children to watch cartoon films.


put on 体重增加 so…that… 如此。。以至于。

lay out 摆开 as a result 结果是。

be similar to 与。。。相似 dress u 装扮,打扮。

remind sb of sth 使某人想起某事 end up 结果是。

sounds like 听起来像 in the shape of 呈什么的形状。

call out 叫喊 play tricks on 开。。。的玩笑。

care about 关心 give out 分发。

think of 认为 wake up 苏醒。

重点句型:1. 我知道泼水节是真的有趣。

i know that the water festival is really fun

2. 我想知道明年他们是否还有比赛。

i wonder whether they’ll h**e the races again next year.

3. 我想知道六月是不是参见香港的最佳时刻。\

i wonder whether june is a good times to visit.

4. 我相信在泰国四月份是最热的月份。

i believe that april is the hottest month in thailand.

5. 泼水节是多么有趣呀!

what fun the water festival is

6. 他决定改变生活,承诺变成一个好人。

感叹句:1 what +a/an+形容词+主语+谓语。

2 how +形容词+主语+谓语。


a pair of 一对,一副 get to 到达。

go past 经过 on ones right 在某人的右边。

on ones way to 在某人去。的路上 pass by 经过。

walk up to 朝。。。走去 pardon me 再说一遍。

parking lot 停车场 look forward to 盼望。

go along 沿着 suggest sth 推荐。。。

advise sb to do sth建议某人做某事 give sb a suggestion 给某人一个建议。

重点句型:1. 打扰一下,你知道我能在**买到药吗?

excuse me, do you know where i can buy some medicine?

2. 你能告诉我怎么样到达邮局吗?

could you tell me how to get to the post office?

3. 超市在花店和邮局之间。

the supermarket is between the flower store and the bookstore.

4. 我不确信如何去那里。

i’m not sure how to go there.

5. 你能告诉我**能找到一个吃饭的好地方吗?

could you tell me where there’s a good place to eat?


from time to time 时常 be absent from 逃离。

take up 开始从事 in person 亲自。

no longer 不再 all the time 总是,一直。

to ones surprise 让某人感到惊喜的是 even though 尽管。

tons of 大量,许多 pay attention to 关注。

give up 放弃 fight on 继续奋斗。

take care of 照顾 a number of 许多。

the number of 。。的数量 in public 公开地。

be proud of 为。。。感到骄傲 take proud in 以。。。为骄傲。

deal with 解决 move in with sb 搬去和。。。一起住。

be always doing sth 总是做某事 used to do sth 过去常常做某事。

be used to doing sth 习惯做某事 be used to do 被用来做。

make the decision to do sth 决定做。。

重点句型:1. 我过去个头比较矮。

i used to be short.

2. 我过去看到他每天在图书馆读书。

i used to see him reading in the library every day.

3. 他过去戴眼镜吗?

did he use to wear glasses?

4. 你过去是矮的,不是吗?

you used to be short,didn’t you?

5. 他的父母决定送他去寄宿学校。

his parents make the decision to send him to boarding school.

6. 他们总是想着我,为我所做的一切好的事情感到自豪。

they always thinking of me and would take pride in everything good that i did.

7. 对孩子的父母来说和孩子们在一起很重要。

its very important for parents to be there for their children.


be made of 由。。。制作 be made in 在。。。制造。

be made from 由。。。制造 be famous for 以。。。而著名。

be produced in 在。。。生产 be known for 以。。。为人所知。

as far as i know 据我所知 send for 发送。

all over the world 全世界 no matter 无论。

even though 即使 **oid doing sth 避免做某事。

everything things 日用品 find out 查明。

go on a vactiong 去度假 such as 例如。

turn。。。into。。 把。。。变成什么 be covered with 被什么覆盖。

rise into 上升到 put on 张贴。

as symbols of 作为。。。的象征 fairy tale 童话故事。

be used for doing 被用来做。。。

重点句型:1. 你的衬衣是由棉花制成的吗?

are you shirts made of cotton?

2. 他们是在美国制造的吗?

were they made in american?

3. 飞机模型是由什么做成的?

what’s the model plane made of?

4. 茶叶是如何种植的?

how is tea grown?

5. 茶叶被种植在山的两侧。

tea plants are grown on the sides of mountains.

6. 它们由竹子制成,被纸覆盖。

they are made of bamboo and covered with *****.


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