
发布 2021-12-30 23:52:28 阅读 6172


一。 单词句型:

安全) of the players is very important.

you mind me抽烟) arund here?

shouldn’t be allowed to h**e兼职)jobs.

should be allowed to get their ears扎).

i was a tiny baby哭)all night,my mom sang to me.

i was two running through the田地),she make sure

i was安全的)and kept me from危险).

use电梯) to抬高)them to top.

后悔)doingsomething until you realize it.

they saw someone进入)their room.

most popular选择)is computer programming.

everyong has a机会)to go to college.

last we完成) our work.




16.看到姚明我很激动。(be excited about)

f you use a flash,you mustn’t拍照).

18.我不应该被告知该怎么做。(should tell)



21.老师鼓励我们努力学习。(encourage sb.)

worried about不能通过考试)

23.父母不应该对青少年太严格。(be strict with)





1 eating vegetables can keep ushealth).

2 you needwear) warm clothes, or you’ll catch a cold .

3 she didn’t work hard at her lessons so she failed __pass) the exam.

4 would you likeh**e) dinner with us?

5 sixteen-year-olds shouldn’tallow) to go an internet café .

6 .what school rules do you think should bechange)?

7. i wantbe) a doctor when i’m older .

8. that is a good waykeep) both teachers and students happy.

9. they don’t allowsmoke).

10. my father won’t allow methe wheel.

11. he seemsh**e) some questions to ask.

12. people should not beallow) to speak in public.

13. neither i nor hebe) wrong.

14. why not h**e your haircut)?

15. he thinks this is hissuccess) lifestyle.

16. we would feel morecomfort ) and that is good for studying.

17. mr brown will go fishing if itnot rain) tomorrow. us since i came to this school.

rainnot stop) yet. you'd better not go out.

you want to get your classroomclean)

21. our teacher is coming , let’s stoptalk)

22. we often go to the movies with friends onweekend).

三。单项选择 (15分)

) china, no one is allowed to drive a car without __driver’s license.

— it’s just __same in our /;the b. a; thec. a; a d. /a

)2. —food safety is very important. —so some laws (法律) must __stop people from polluting food.

a. make b. be made to c. be made d. make to

)3. —i am afraid the room is __for us to live in.

— yes, it is. but let’s make do (将就) with it.

a. too large b. large enough c. too tiny d. tiny enough

)4. —excuse me. is it my turn now?

— not yet. please wait on the chair till your name __a. calls b.

will call c. is called d. will be called

)5. —do you h**e to take some art lessons on saturday?

— yes. i h**e no __i don’t want my parents to be angry.

a. idea b. chance c. reason d. choice

)6. —do you need a helping hand with the job?

— i can __it. thanks anyway.

a. manage b. support c. encourage d. refuse

)7. —my bike is broken. what should i do?

— you can get it __in that bike shop. a. repair b.

repaired c. repairs d. to repair

)8. lucy thinks that __english movies isn’t a good way.

a. watch b. watched c. watching d. watches

)9. —how i regret __when my father told me not to play computer games! —you’d better say sorry to him.

a. talked back b. talking back c. to talk back d. to talking back

)10. —do you mean you will join the club?— yes, i am __it.


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