
发布 2021-12-30 23:53:28 阅读 5341


1 .-my parents are always strict with me.

---don't be 'll understand them

time a hurry fact day

2 i hopeenjoy yourself

a .you to that you can

3 .i'll never forget the place___i was born.

a. that b .where

4. would you like to come with me ?


you swim __river (across/through)

6 i wish i __be )ten years younger.

7 would like to go使人放松的地方)


9. i hope你将来某一天来)


they′llthe people are

you like一些喝的东西)?

12. i hope the world will be p___in the futuer .

must be careful when you go __across/through)the street.

14 light tr**els __air at great speed.(acrooss/through )

15别紧张) .there is没什么严重的)

16. i went to the beauitifui village___my parents used to live yesterday.

a which b where c that d who

17 we wish你教师节快乐)

'd like you __更加努力学习英语)

21 .why not consider __buy )a book ?

22 there many thingsdo)

23 listen!there is a bird___sing )

's一副想当美丽的图画) 。


it'sto our school.

26 there有许多美妙风景)in bei jing

=bei jing

27 it's best独立完成你们的作业)

28 the teacher应当) love their students

29除非明天下雨)we will go fishing . 30 .you can take five books ,_include)this book

isand isin asia(是中国的首都,并且是亚洲最有活力的城市之一)

32 。wudang mount is t___because there are many visitors.

33 she doesn't know japanese, so i h**e to t___the report into chinese, but she doesn't think i'm a good t___

34. isn't it supposed to be hot是的 ,不热)。


36 .we将离开)for two weeks.

37 .shanghai lies in the e___part of china.

38. would you like一些其他的东西)?

in yourself .you're better than __you're the best. wish you success! else else anyone

40. the boy ran足够快能赶上那辆公共汽车)

41 .we are通过自己做饭來省钱。)

o___him a good job but he turned it down 。

43.__could you give me someon how to learn englisi well ?


a. suggestions c infomations

44. i want a house带花园的。)

long will your motherhome .(离开家多久)

46. the boy isn't old enough to dress himself. (同义句)

the boy ishe can't dress himself.

the boy isdress himself.

47 . we'd like a room___有 ) a big color tv in it

48 .it would be nice if our hotel___有 )rooms ( 有) _kitchens.

problem is so hard that i can't work it out

this problem is too hard

50. hele**e) since three days ago.

1. she is愿意帮我学英语)。

51. other students hope to完成学业后继续学习。

52坚持你的梦想)one dany it may __实现)

53 .by working hard we can a___anything.

54 .please hold on to___be) volunteers.


iget your letter

56很明显)that your answer is wrong .

57 after___send)him to school his mother was so sleepy

58 here is the问题的答案)

59. i dream ofbecome )an engineer

's difficult___you __climb) such a tall tree.

's kind你帮助我太好了)

62. 巴黎是世界上最有活力的城市之一。

paris is one of thein the world.

63 史密斯先生乐意把钱捐给慈善机构。

mr smith isdonate the money to charity.

64. 总的来说,上海是一个消费水平很高的地方。

shanghai is quite an expensive place.

65. 小强总是梦想有一天去月球上旅行。

xiao qiang alwaystr**eling to the moon one day.

66. 一定不要放弃你的梦想。

be sure toto your dreams.

67. 我想今年夏天去中国东部的某个地方去旅游。

i wanttrip this summerthe east __china.

68. 他每周用约两个小时的时间帮妈妈做家务。

about two hourshis mother __the housework every week.


九年级一轮复习unit7学案词组。1引起疲劳的,累人的2有教育意义的3平和的。4有极大吸引力的,迷人的5从容,不紧张6游客很多的,适合游览的7便利的,方便的8一般而言9数以千计的10尽快地11乐意。12相当多,不少13梦想。14结论15坚持,继续。16令人震颤的,令人激动的section ap52 ...


unit 7 teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.第5课时。学习内容 section b 1a 2c 学习目标 1.掌握本课单词 短语及重点词的用法。2.进一步熟悉与巩固被动语态的结构与用法。学习过程 一 自主学习。一 预习...


备课时间 unit7 单元复习 2014.12 总节次 授课时间 备课教师 ning bingxu 上课教师 班级 姓名 学习目标 本单元出现的要求掌握的所有知识点。一 new words 胜利击败修理服务信息。检查秘书弹起分开,分离表现 绅士,君子 委员会组织提供。协议宗教争论 辩论橄榄洪水 蛇锁...