
发布 2021-05-19 05:08:28 阅读 3009





基本结构:主语 + 动语原形 + 其它 + 时状否定句:主语 + don’t 动词原形 + 其它 + 时状。

一般疑问句:do + 主语 + 动词原形 + 其它 + 时状回答: yes, 主语do ;no 主语don’t .

二、当主语为第三人称单数he, she,it, jim, lucy 等时,句型结构如下:

基本结构:三单主语 + 动词加 s 或 es + 其它 + 时状。 否定句:三单主语 + doesn’t 动词原形 + 其它。

一般疑问句:does + 三单主语 + 动词原形 + 其它? 回答:yes, 三单主语does; no, 三单主语doesn’t.


1、often. usually. always.

sometimes. 2、every + 时间类:eg:

every day, every week 3、on sundays类结构。

例: 1、we go to school on fllt every day. 2、they often play basketball after school.

3、i always stay at home on sunday.


1:一般情况加s. 例:

looks, puts 2: 以s, x. ch, sh , 及o 结尾加es.

例:does, goes, watches, washes, guesses, fixes.

3:以辅音字母加y结尾的动词先变y为i再加es. 例:fly---flies. study---studies

练习:1、 ibe )a student . 2、yoube ) a worker . 3be ) he a teacher ?

4、 he oftengo ) to school by bike . 5、__you usuallyget ) up at seven in the morning ?

6、 she sometimesdo ) his homework at school . 7、__lucyplay ) basketball every day ?

8、 theygo ) to see their parents every month .



基本结构:主语+be(am, is, are ) doing + 其它 + 时状。 否定句:主语+be not +doing + 其它。

一般疑问句:be + 主语+doing + 其它回答:yes, 主语be ;no, 主语be not.


1、 一般情况加ing 例:go---going ask---asking

2、 不发音字母e结尾的动词,去e加ing 例:write---writing close---closing

3、 以重读闭音节结尾的动词,如果末尾只有一个辅音字母,先双写这一字母,再加ing.例:get--getting

sit,cut, hit, put, forget, run--running, begin, swim--swimming, shop, stop, prefer.

二:时间状语:现在进行时时间状语很简单。1. now 2. look 、listen days 4.上下文提示。

1、 the twinslisten ) to the old man now .

2、 look, theywash ) over there .

3、listen , whosing ) in the room ?





二、基本结构:主语 + will + 动原+ 其它 + 时状。/主语 + be going to + 动原+ 其它 + 时状。

eg : i will go to beijing tomorrow. she is going to fly a kite this sunday.

三、时间状语有:1, tomorrow类。2, next + 时间类。3, …later类。eg; three days later.

4, in/on + 将来时间。eg ; in 2008. on may 1st 2006. 5,soon, right away.

练习: 1.idrink )some milk tomorrow .

2.the studentsclimb ) the hill two weeks later .

3.we chinesehold ) the olympic games in 2008.

4.anngive ) a talk about english names next month .

5. lucyplay ) basketball tomorrow morning.

6. my parentsfly ) to shanghai the day after tomorrow.

7. jackbe ) eight years old two years later.

8. theysing ) an english song on the evening party of may 4th this year.





二、基本结构:主语 + 动词过去式 + 其它 + 时间状语。 eg : i went to beijing yesterday.

三、动词过去式:规则变化: 1,+ed. 2, e结尾+d. 3, 辅音字母+y结尾改y为i + ed.

4, 双写最后一字母+ed. 不规则变化:参考不规则变化表。

四、时间状语:1, yesterday类。2, last + 时间类。

3, x x ago类。4, in/on + 过去时间。eg ; in 2001.

on may 1st 2001.

练习: 1,__you __do ) your homework yesterday evening ?2, his uncleplay ) soccer last week.

3, icome ) to shishi in 1994. 4, shestudy ) hard when she was only ten years old.

5, his auntbe ) a actress ten years ago6, helook ) very handsome in 1996.


1 定义:①表示某一动作刚刚结束完成,②表示过去发生或已经完成的某一动作对现在造成的影响或结果,③表示过去已经开始的某一动作或状态一直持续到现在,可能还会持续下去。

2 在数轴上的表现:


3, 基本结构: 主语+h**e /has +动词过去分词+其它+时间状语。

4, 例句:1. i h**e just finished my homework.

2. i h**e had lunch already. 3.

the film has been on for ten minutes

5 时间状语: ①already (否定 yet) ②ever (否定never) ③just


6 本时态重点: h**e been to h**e gone to h**e been in

7 练习:① i __alreadyfinish ) my homework .②shedo ) her housework yet .

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2019届中考英语精讲复习 动词的时态

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