
发布 2022-08-13 01:46:28 阅读 9132

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1. be made of 由…做成的 (发生物理变化,可以看出原材料)

be made from 由…做成的(发生了化学变化,看不出原材料)

题: ***** is made __wood. the desk is madewood.


【拓展】(1) be made in 在某地制造 the car is made in china.

2) be made by 由某人/ 某单位制造 it was made by his father.

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1. be famous / known for 因… 而闻名 china is famous for the great wall.

be famous/ known as 以…身份而出名 lu xun is famous as a writer.

be famous/ known to 为某人所熟知 yao ming is famous to young people.

题:huanggang is famous bi sheng .

2. as far as i know 据我所知,类似的有as far as i can see 依我所见。

3. on the sides of mountains 在山腰。

4. be sent for doing sth. 被送去做某事 they are sent for processing

be sent to 被送到(某地) the tea is packed and sent to many different countries

5. leaf 树叶,复数是le**e.

一般以f (fe) 结尾则变f(fe)为v加es 如:leaf→ le**es ;knife→ knives;

但roof (房顶)直接加s ,即:roof -roofs

6. seem表“似乎,好像”,构成的句型有:sb.

seem to do sth. =it seems that sb. do sth.

某人似乎要去做某事。she seems to like you. =it seems that she likes you.

题:it seems that yu mei has changed a lot. =yu mei seemsa lot.

7. widely 副词,广泛地;wide 形容词,宽的;width 名词,宽度。

题:english is __used in the world.

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1. what kind of…. 用来问某事物的种类。后常接可数名词复数(有很多)或不可数名词。

题:① 你想要什么种类的面条?--我想要牛肉面条。


2. no matter what = whatever 无论什么。

例no matter what you may buy, you might think those products were made in those shanghai.

whatever you do, don’t miss this exhibition.

拓展】wherever = no matter where 无论何地;whenever 无论何时; however ①无论如何 ②然而。

题you visit hainan, you’ll be pleased.

3. things made in china 中国制造的东西 (动词过去分词短语做后置定语,用来修饰前面的名词。)


4. sb. find it + 形容词+ to do sth. (it = to do sth.)

题: we found it interestingtalk) with him.


5. before 表“在… 之前”,可作介词或引导时间状语从句的连词。注意下列同义句。

i had to visit five or six stores before finding a pair. (作介词,后接动名词,是简单句)

=i’d take a long walk before i go to bed. (作连词,引导时间状语从句,是复合句)

扩展】after(在…之后)和while (在…期间) 的用法同before.

题: i often h**e dinner while i am watching tv. (同义句)

i often h**e dinnertv.

6. **oid doing sth. 避免做某事 we can hardly **oidbuy) things made in china.

拓展】后只接动词ing形式的动词有:①enjoy喜欢; ②consider考虑 ③practice练习;④mind介意;

advise建议 ⑥finish完成 ⑦allow允许 ⑧include 包括。

题:i enjoy __play) basketball, i’m considering how to practice __play) basketball, and i don’t mind __practice) it after school. but my friends advisepractice) it after finishdo) homework, and my parents won’t allow __play) after school.

8. in the future 在将来; get better at 变得更擅长。

题: iget) better at english in the future.

i think there有) more trees in the future.

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1. it’s made of used wood and glass. 它是用已被用过的木头和玻璃做成的。


boiled water 被烧开了的水;developed countries 发达国家(已经被发展完了的国家)

2. be (not) allowed to do sth. (不)被允许去做某事


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1. be on vacation 在度假,go on (a) vacation 去度假。

where is your father ? he is on vacation.

2. tell 表“讲,告诉,吩咐”等。用法如下:

(1) tell sb. a story = tell a story to sb. 给某人讲故事

2) tell sb. about sth. 告诉某人关于某事物。

(3) tell/ ask sb. to do sth. 要求某人去做某事




3. kind 可作形容词,表“善良的”。也可以作名词,表“种类”。表“种类”时短语有:

1) kind of = a little 一点 it’s kind of interesting.

(2) a kind of 一种 it’s a kind of food.

(3) all kinds of = different kinds of 各种各样的。

题:① pandas areof cute.

② of allsubjects, i like math best. it’sinteresting.

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1. forms of traditional art 传统艺术形式。

2. turn into 变成; turn on 打开; turn off 关; turn up 调大音量; turn down 调小音量。

题:these old news***** can be __some useful things.


第五单元化学方程式。测试时间45分钟满分100分 班级学号姓名成绩 一 选择题 本题有10小题,每小题3分,共30分。每小题只有一个选项符合题意 1 在化学反应前后可能发生改变的是。a 元素种类 b 原子数目 c 分子数目 d 各物质的总质量。2 绿色奥运 是2008年北京奥运会的主题之一。为减轻大...


初中英语 unit5 知识点 重点词汇 筷子 常用复数叉子银 色的 n.adj.玻璃棉钢 生产v产品n加工v.n.广泛地当地的避免 可移动的材料交通 国际的剪刀 pl生气勃勃的 热n.v完成 重点短语。由。制作 制造 材料在。制作 制造 产地 由。制造 制成环境保护。以。闻名 为人知晓beknown...


book1 unit5词汇知识检测。词汇巩固 1分 1.质量2.乐意的3.打仗 搏斗。4.和平的5.积极的 活跃的。6.献身 专注于7.继续8.投票 选举。9.位置 职位10.接受 认可 同意 承认。11.暴力 暴行12.平等的 相等的。13.度数 程度 学位14.教育。15.报酬 奖金 酬劳16....