
发布 2022-07-29 02:49:28 阅读 2546

实中汇文校区九年级英语期末复习练习 9a unit1



1. our chinese teacher has a good sense of幽默). we all like her classes.

2. he always thinks of many ways to make the party活泼的).

3. the t-shirts are可获得的)in this clothes shop.

4. he got full分数)once in english tests.

5. my sister and i h**e相似的)hobbies.

6. marry often takes an积极的)part in all kinds of activities at school.

7. look! mr wu is busy解释 ) things to his students now.

8. a year is划分) into 12 star signs.

9. the new year is coming. a lot of气球)are needed to decorate the store.

10. my mother didn’t feel well because she had a牙痛).

11. tom loves science very much. he did many实验)in the laboratory.

12. it’s 1 o’clock in the morning, but kitty is醒着)now.

13. would you like some more柠檬水),millie.

14. in spring, there are always some蝴蝶)among flowers.

15. i will visit my uncle大约) christmas.


1. if some players use drugs(兴奋剂),it’sfair)to the other players.

2. mao zedong is thought one of the greatestlead) in the world .

3. the young man likes to do thingsdifferent).

4. our monitor is verypractice) and he is good at organizing activities.

5. tom is anenergy) man. he always works for a long time.

6. if you want to be an inventor, you must beimagine).

7. 13 is thought as a(nluck) number in western countries.

8. my mother isprobable) back home at the moment.

9. before you becomesuccess﹚, you need to experience a lot of failures.

10. he felttrue) sorry for what he said.

11. he is very stubborn. you can’t make him give upeasy).

12. i don’t make a lot of money, so i must spend my moneywise).

13. he is aconfidence) boy and he thinks he can do anything if he tries his best.

14. aperson) computer is very popular these days.

15. it’sthink ) of you to bring me an umbrella .


1. what do you think made himfeel) curious about?

2. don’t give upwork) hard. you will be successful.

3. he seemsh**e) some trouble these days.

4. i will h**e my bicyclerepair) tomorrow.

5. the sports meetinghold) from monday to tuesday next month.

6. some of the studentstalk) with each other when their teacher came in.

7. you may go and play tennis only when your homeworkfinish).

8. it's a long time since ihear) from my friend last time.

9. the grade 9 students will h**e a school trip if itnot rain) this friday.

10. we needn't worry aboutnot meet) again because nancy's wedding is coming.

11. excuse me, do you mind myclose) the window?

12. whynot go) shopping for clothes now, cathy?

13. the homework mustdo) right now.

14. ih**e) this watch for three years.

15. the blackssit) at table when i came.


1. 你在和他争论什么?

what are youhim?

2. 你真有耐心等了两个小时都不生气。

you areto wait for two hours

3. 一些学生在学习英语方面有些问题。

some studentsenglish.

4. 由于他如此的勤奋,他不介意为学生会做额外的工作。

since he ishe would not mindfor the students' union.

5. 我认为他将不能组织好这项活动。

i don't thinkwell.

6. 那个年轻人找工作没什么结果。

the young man

7. 她想象力很丰富,能有各种新想法。

she isnew ideas.

8. 王老师随时准备帮助他的学生。

mr. wanghis students

9. 那个舞蹈演员一直担心会发胖。

the dancer is always

10. 吉姆学业有成,但他从不炫耀。

jimbut he never

11. 我不会放弃任何困难的事。

i will never


通榆中学九年级英语期中复习学案 9a unit 1 star signs 了解星座知识,学习和运用有关词汇及语句评价人的行为和谈论性格特征。运用 it is adj.of to do 来表达对某人行为的看法。运用 sb.is adj enough to do 来表达某人的性格和能力特征的推测。了解句...

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