
发布 2022-08-08 21:22:28 阅读 2351


八年级(下)units 1-4







1. 利用早读时间要求背单词,各学校老师自己安排过关单词,务必保证人人过关,因为单词是做好阅读理解的前提。

2. 教师可以利用课堂时间简单对词组和句型加以点拨,并要求学生背会,可自查,互查,教师抽查。

3. 教师点拨各单元的知识点和语法,然后做检测题,老师对答案后,学生讨论,教师点拨共性问题,学生纠错之后,教师要再抽查,巩固所学。

4. 其余时间配合大象考王继续加以巩固,并利用中间单元自测题对学生及时检测。

5. 教材后的听力材料是补全对话训练的极好材料,建议让学生熟读听力材料并背内容。

第一课时 unit 1


重点短语:1一次又一次。 over and over again 2. 形状不同 be in different shapes

3. 今后20年 twenty years from now 4. 一百年后 in a hundred years

5. 活到200岁 live to be 200 years old 6.更少的污染 less pollution

7.更少的人 fewer people8.在太空站 on a space station

9.爱上 fall in love with 10.作为一名记者 as a reporter

11.能做某事 be able to do sth. 12.穿得很随意 dress casually

13.养一只宠物猪 keep a pet dog 14.实现 come true

15..一些……另一些 some…others… 16.. 单独居住live alone

17..住在上海路332号 live at no.332,shanghai street

18..帮助某人做某事help sb. with sth. /help sb. do sth.

重点句型:1.你在骗我吗are you kidding?

2.将会有更少的空闲时间吗? will there be less free time?

3.他将玩什么运动what sport will he play?

4. 明天的天气将会是怎样? what will the weather be like tomorrow?

5.已经有机器人在工厂里工作了。there are already robots working in factories.

6.我们决不会知道未来会发生什么we never know what will happen in the future.



1. therenot) be any ***** books. everyone will h**e books on computers.

2. we all wantpredict) the future of ourselves.

3. where do you think sallywork) ten years from now?

4. the pilotfly) to new york two days ago, and he ’ll be back soon.

5be) you at school yesterday evening? we had an exciting party.

6. does he alwayslive) alone? i don’t know.

7. -where is mr. lu?--i’m not surehewrite) in his office?

8 could you pleasebuy) some snacks for me?

i grow up, ibe) a famous pilot.

10. my friend liz oftenwash) her clothes on wednesday.



what will your life be like in twenty years?


t predict work writing be/'m going to be

第二课时 unit 2


重点短语:1. 不让…进入 keep… out 2. 有足够的钱 h**e enough money

3. 过时的/时髦的 out of style/ in style 4. 打**给…… call…up

5.通过**交谈 talk on the phone 6.一张球赛的票a ticket to/for a ball game

7. 付账 pay …for8. 相处,进展 get along/on with

9.查出 find out 10.找到时间做某事 fit … into

11. 尽可能的 as …as possible/sb. can 12.抱怨 complain about

13.各种各样的 all kinds of 14.一方面 on the one hand

15.另一方面 on the other hand 16. 把…落在家 le**e … at home

17.把…与…进行比较 compare…with… 18.生……的气 be angry with

19. 独立思考 think for oneself 20.很大的压力 too much pressure

重点句型:1. 你怎么了what’s wrong with you ?

2. 我该怎么办what should i do ?

3. 他也没有钱he doesn’t h**e any money , either.

4. 除了我,班里其他人都受到了邀请。

everyone else in my class was invited except me.

5. 我不知道该如何做。 i don’t know what to do.

6. 孩子们可能会发现独立思考很难。

children may find it hard to think for themselves.

7. 两个家庭之间的竞争在很小的年龄就开始了。

competition between families starts at a young age.



1. you should __go) to see a doctor.

2. mother asked meget) up early.

3. lily is 1.7meters tall. she is tall enough __reach) the apples on the tree.

4. let’stry) our best to make our world more beautiful.

5. hele**e) his bag at school yesterday.

6. my parents want me __stay) at home every night because it`s dangerous outside.

7. -what`s wrong with you? you look so sad today.

-- iargue) with my girlfriend last night.

8. lucy, what should i do? i need some money __buy) some presents for my best friend.

9. -i found it difficultget) to sleep in the night.

-- you’d bettertake) some sleeping pills.


选词填空:we are going to h**e a party in our house this evening. it is my _1__ birthday, and she has _2__ my uncles and aunts and some of her _3__.

mother and i are _4_ to cook most of the food for the party, and father is getting the drinks. the living-room looks very pretty. balloons of all colors are hanging from the lights __5_ we h**e taken the carpets away __6__.

we are going to dance there after dinner.


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