
发布 2022-08-08 20:37:28 阅读 2958


九年级英语集体备课教案unit6 i like music that i

candanceto.(sectiona period1)主备教师---樊小英研讨教师---樊小英卢满平。





topic unit 6 i like music that i can dance to .1,grade 9 teaching aims knowledge objects

?prefer---preferred,preferatob=likeabetterthanb,preferto do a rather than do b ? lyric ?

sing along with loud music

2. target language : i like music that i can dance to.

/sing along with . iprefer music that has great lyrics.=i prefer music with great music.

i likemusic that isn’t too loud . ability objects(1.).

train students’listening skill. be able to listen to the languages about let’ the

task 3: groupwork.( sing or dance according to the differentkinds of music.

) teaching steps step 1: leading-in (task 1 ) play differentkinds of music and let students guess what kind it is :rock music, light music,symphony,rap tap, folk music

step2:discussion music. s2:

i like rap music. s3: i like folk music.

….t: let’sgo into today’s study,we can learn more about 3:


1) theybelongtodifferentkindsofmusic. forexample:ilikemusicthathasgreatlyrics(歌词).

i like music with great lyrics. i like music that isn’t too loud. =ilike quiet music.

they talk about them as much as possible. when they talk , theteacher explain some words and sentences.

2) prefersth=likesthbetter ipreferloud music to light music.=i like loud music better than light finish1a. makeupconversations.

(task1)whoisyourf**oritesinger ? why ? practice and help the students master the words and expressions.

the students can make the conversations. they can describe the music they them to speak more. step 5:

listening . finish 1b.


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