
发布 2022-08-08 18:51:28 阅读 3701

2014-09-04 12:22

邀请某人去某地,invite dosth.邀请某人去做某事。

invitation cn.请帖,请柬:aninvitation, two invitations/ un.邀请(行为)

= dearadj.昂贵的---反cheap =inexpensive adj.便宜的*4

to = talk with和某人谈话---talk about谈论。


tr**el agent’s= tr**el agency旅行社。

the end = at last = finally最后,终于。

in the end, i got first prize.

at the end of在八月底(时间点)

iwillbe backatthe end of august.我将在八月底回来。=iwon’tbe backuntilthe end of august.

shedidn’t comebackuntilthe end of august. =shecamebackatthe end of august.

raised – raisedvt.及物动词,加宾,无宾表被动:raise your hand/ raise the flag

the flagis raised(raise) every morning.

区分:rise-rose-risenvi.上升,升起,(无被,无宾)--the sunrises in the east.太阳从东边升起。

national flag国旗---nationalityn.国籍---nation n.国家,民族---internationaladj.国际的。

历史---historical历史上的,历史的 --historic具有重大历史意义的*4

吸引力,趣味placesof interest名胜古迹(2)兴趣un(感兴趣)h**e/show (great/no/little) interestin sth./doing sth. (be interestedin sth.

/doing sth.)(3)兴趣(兴趣爱好)=hobby:please tell me your interests (=hobbies).

adj. -wonder v.想知道= want to know --wonder n.奇迹:no wonder难怪。

古老的:inancient times在古时候。

人际关系。in beijing在北京的亲戚。

beijing计划一次去北京的旅行= plan to tr**el to beijing

plan(plan-planned-planned-planning-plans)(v.):1) plan sth.(2) planto dosth.

plan (n.):make a plan制定一个计划。

a letterfromsb. =receive a letter from sb. =hear fromsb.收到某人来信。

in beijing住在北京;invite us to staywithhis familyinaugust邀请我们八月去和他的家人住在一起。

seenmy cousinsbefore.我以前未见过我的表兄妹们。before用于现在完成时,放句末。

us a photograph =senda photographtous寄给我们一张**。

to beijing by plane/air乘飞机去北京旅行。

but the plane tickets are very expensive.此处perhaps=maybe(adv.)

cheaperandmoreinteresting.此处cheaper = less expensive

例如:a ischeaper thanb. =a isless expensive thanb.

=a isnot as/so expensive thanb.意思为a比b便宜。

to mum and kitty对mum和kitty说。

some brochures from the tr**el agent从旅行经济人那里得到一些资料手册。

(some questions)aboutthe photograph问ben关于这张**(的问题)

14.区分:a photofromsb一张来自某人的**---a photoofsb.一张某人的**---a photoforsb.一张送给某人的**。

(n.)**---official (adj.)官方的---office (n.)办公室。

(n.)社团,协会;社会---social (adj.)社会的:social activity社会活动。

(n.)预防,防止,防范---prevent (v.)预防,防止:

sth.预防某人不让他做某事(区分:protect sb.

from sth/doing sth保护某人不让…)

(n.)残忍:the crueltytoanimals对动物的残忍(n)--cruel (adj.)残忍的:be crueltoanimals对动物残忍(v)

总结:对…态度如何,结构:be … to …:

如be kind/friendly/nice/polite有礼貌的/rude无礼的/unkind/patient耐心的/cruel to ……


(adj.) thirst (n.)

(过去时preferred) :prefer a to b = like a better than b --prefer to do sth. =would rather do sth.


(v.)照料,介意---careful/careless (adj.)仔细的/粗心的---carefully/carelessly (adv.

)仔细地/粗心地---carefulness/carefulness (n.)仔细/粗心。

(adj.) specially (adv.) specialist(n.)专家。

(vt.)保卫,守卫: guard the city/ guard the neighbourhood

(adj.)-盲人:the blind = blind people盲人。

(adj.) safety(n.) s**e (v.)


(n.)小偷---复数thieves---theft (n.)偷窃行为。

(adj.)失踪的---lost (adj.)丢失的。

: hunt sth.猎杀某物---go hunting打猎---hunt for搜寻。

(good) care of sth/sb = look after sth/sb (well)(好好)照顾某人/某物。

take care of还能加doing sth.表示小心,处理,负责,look after不行。

it some water to drink --drink some water

give it a basket to sleep in --sleep in a basket,介词in不能省略。

it 1-2 times every day每天喂它1-2次。

1-2 times读作one to two times,但若分别表示一次和两次则用once和twice

feed为vt,用法feed sb. (with sth.)表(用…)喂某人。

英语笔记 7

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