7 26 随堂笔记 准高二英语1班

发布 2021-05-19 06:26:28 阅读 8965

一. 语法:

词:1. 冠词、介词、名词、连词、代词、疑问词。

2. 形容词、副词。

3. 动词:及物不及物、主被动、非谓语、时态、情态。

句:1. 简单:强调、倒装、祈使、反义疑问、感叹、主谓一致、there be

2. 并列:顺承、转折、因果。

3. 复合:定语从句、名词性从句、条件句(真实+虚拟)、状语从句、省略句。

i. 名词性从句:

1. 主语从句:

what he said matters much to me.

it is certain that he will pass the test.

2. 宾语从句。

i don’t know what i should do next.

i can’t imagine how he passed the test.

3. 表语从句。

the question is where we should stay.

4. 同位语从句。

we students should study hard.

the news came to london that a puma had escaped from the national zoo.

my question how i shall get in touch with him has not been answered.

1. where, that, when, why

2. what, how

3. whatever, whichever, whoever


1. 时间状语从句:

when i was a kid, i…

while he was doing homework, i was playing video games.

as winter comes, …

the moment/second/minute/instant

the moment he heard the news, he jumped with joy.

the minute when he got the news that he had been admitted to tsinghua university, …



no sooner…than…

as soon as

on doing

at +n.

immediately 一…就…

he jumped with joy immediately he heard the news.

not…until 直到…才。

he didn’t get home until 11 pm yesterday night.

not until 11 pm did he get home yesterday night. (部分倒装)

we had sailed four days and four nights before we saw land.

since 自….以来。

ever since 自…以来。

every time, each time, next time, the first time, any time + 句子。

next time when you come to my home, bring your family members.

二. 知识储备:

1. investigate 调查v.

2. investigation 调查n.

3. harbor 港。

4. keep one’s figure 保持身材。

5. work out 锻炼v.(=exercise)

6. workout 锻炼n.

7. biography 传记n.

8. autobiography 自传n.

9. automatic 自动的。

10. atm (automatic teller machine)

11. admire 羡慕;崇拜v.

12. admiration n.

13. impress v. 使印象深刻。

14. be impressed with/by/at

15. i was impressed by his talent in singing.

16. impressive 使人印象深刻的adj.

17. his talent in singing is impressive.

18. impression 印象n.

19. le**e a good/bad impression on sb.

20. impressionism 印象主义n.

21. sl**e 奴隶n.

22. sl**ery 奴隶制n.

23. abolish the sl**ery 废除奴隶制。

24. pick up 捡起。

25. pick yourself up. =cheer up 振作。

26. pick up 偶然间学会。

27. he picked up some german when he was tr**elling in germany.

28. blame 责备v.

29. sb. be to blame for sth. 负责。

30. the zoo is to blame for the tourist’s death.

31. strike-struck-stricken v.

32. 敲;击v. /n.

33. 打动;感动v.

34. it strikes me that +句子:我突然想起…

35. =it occurs to me that +句子。

36. =sth. cross one’s mind that…

37. =sth. pop into one’s mind that…

38. 罢工v./n.

39. go on strike 罢工。

40. there exists a striking(明显的)difference between white and black people.

41. it remains to be seen. 有待观察。

7 25 随堂笔记 准高二英语1班

一 语法 词 1.冠词 介词 名词 代词 连词 疑问词。2.形容词 副词。3.动词 及物不及物 主被动 时态 非谓语 情态动词。句 1.简单句 强调 倒装 祈使 反义疑问 主谓一致 感叹 there be 2.并列句 顺承 转折 因果。3.复合句 定语从句 名词性 条件句 真实 虚拟 状语从句 省略...


unit 1 1.be willing to do be ready to do 2.be unwilling to do be reluctant to do 3.expect sb.to do sth.4.expect too much of sb.5.expect sth.of from sb...


2014 2015学年度第一学期期中考试。一 试卷总体情况。本次期中考试试卷总分150分,时间120分钟。试题内容丰富,知识覆盖面广,题型较多,包括听力测试 阅读理解 完形填空 语法填空 短文改错以及书面表达。考点知识既源于教材,又聚焦高考,全面考查了学生听 读 写等方面的能力。试卷以新课程理念为指...