
发布 2020-02-21 03:53:28 阅读 9142

unit 4

语法。used to do“ 过去(常常)做”,1.肯定句:he used to get up late.

2.否定句:he didn’t use to get up late.

3.一般疑问句did he use to get up late?

回答:yes,he did /no,he didn’t.

4.反意疑问句: he used to get up late ,didn’t he?

5 .区别:

be used to sth 习惯做某事。

he is used to the life here.

be used to doing sth习惯做某事。

he is used to getting up late.

② be used to do 被用来做 (被动语态)

a knife is used to cut thing.

a 1a——2d

1. what’s he like?他是什么样的?


he is queit. he is tall.

what does he look like?他长得什么样?

只问长相。he is tall and has long hair.

2. silent adj. 沉默的,安静的。

keep silent 保持安静 ,保持沉默。

she is a silent girl.

silence n. 沉默, 安静。

in silence 沉默地,安静地。

she sat in silence. 她。沉默地坐着。

3、she was never br**e enough to ask question.

not…enough to do

too…to do…



1、 be on a (soccer \swim…)team

加入(足球/游泳) 队。

5、from time to time 有时。

相当于sometimes ,at times

from time to time he is late

6.it’s +时间段+since+从句(用一般过去时)

it has been+时间段+since+从句(用一般过去时)




1. 用一般过去时表示。

they borrowed the book a week ago.

2. 用现在完成时表示。

they h**e kept the book for a week /since a week ago.

3 用句型it’s +时间段+since +从句或。

it has been+时间段+since+从句。

it’s a week since they borrowed the book.

it has been week since they borrowed the book.

4 时间段+has\h**e passed since…

a week has passed since they borrowed the book.

7、turn red 变红。



turn 变得。

become 变得。

look 看起来。

sound 听起来。

taste 尝起来。

smell 闻起来。


a 3a——4c

1、take up ① 学着做,开始做。

he took up a good habbit.


take up doing 开始做

相当于start doing

he took up reading aloud 。

② 占用(时间),占据(空间)

i won’t take up more of your time .

the table takes up too much room.

2、deal with 常与how 连用。

do with 常与what 连用。

what do you do with the problems?

how do you deal with the problems?

3、dare v. 敢于。

dare to do 敢于做。

he dooesnt dare to say anything .

4. crowd n. 人群,观众。

many crowds 许多人。

a crowd of…一群。。。

a crowd of sheep

① 吨。 tons of。。。许多 , 大量。。。

=a lot of =lots of= some

there are tons of in the sky.

6、be careful 小心,当心

we should be careful in the dark.

be careful about /of… 小心…

please be careful about snakes.

7、private adj. 私人的,私密的。


it’s a private letter.


8、prepare v. 准备好。

prepare for sth 为某事准备好。

students are preparing for exams

be prepared for sth为某事准备好。

we shoul be prepared for the party.

be prepared to do 准备好做。

we are prepared to go on a trip

9、require v. 需要,要求。

① require sth/ sb

he required a dictionary .

require doing

your hair required cutting .

require sb to do 要求某人做某事。

our parents require us to study hard .

10. a number of…= many 许多。

a number of students are shy.

the number of … 的数量(表单数)

the number of students is 200

11、make it 成功,做到。

keep trying ,you will make it.

12、public adj. 公众的,公开的,公共的。

public places 公共地方。

in public 公开地,在别人面前。

don’t smoke in public


b 1a---2f

1、be nervous about 对…感到紧张\焦虑。

i’m nervous about my future.


2、seldom 很少(否定副词) .



the boy seldom plays soccer,does he?

3、happy adj. unhappy 不高兴的。

happiness n. 高兴 ,快乐

unhappiness n. 不高兴,不快乐。

football brings him happiness.

4. influence v. 影响。

influence sth. 影响某事。

the bad weather influenced my trip.

influence sb to do影响某人做某事。

my illness influenced me to study.

influence n. 影响。

h**e a influence on sb 对某人产生影响。

make a difference on sb

the weather had a influence on me.

2、 absent adj. 缺席,不在。

he is sometimes absent

be absent from …缺席…

he was absent from the meeting.


6、fail v. 失败,不及格。

fail the examinations 考试不及格、

pass the exams 考试及格。

1 fail (in)sth某方面失败。

he failed(in) the exam

fail (in)doing sth做某事失败。

he failed in passing the exam

fail to do 没能做某事。

he failed to get there on time.

考试不及格:fail in the exam

fail in passing the exam

fail to pass the exam

7、advise them to talk with their son in person.建议他们亲自与他们儿子谈一谈。

advise sb to do

advise doing = suggest doing sth

advise sb against sth/doing sth

the doctor advised him to stop smoking .

they advised putting off the meeting till the next week.

he advised her against going out at night .

advice不可数名词 a piece of advice some pieces of advice

advice on/about …关于—的建议。

he g**e me some advice on how to deal with teenagers.


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