
发布 2022-08-01 03:26:28 阅读 1509

unit 4 what would you do?

section a

1. 虚拟语气。

what would you do if you + 过去时? -i would + v.原形。

if + 主 + 句子(过去时),主 + would + v.原形。(i后面加be动词时,要用were)

2. research n. 研究 (medical research = research on medicine)

3. what if...what(shall i do) if...条件状语从句)


假设可以成立,用主将从现;②与事实相反,用虚拟语气,即what if + 过去时?

what if the disaster in 2012 happened?

4. if(是否)引导宾语从句:主句谓语动词为过去时,从句相应变为过去时态。

① can i pass the entrance exam? i don’t know.

i don’t know if i can pass the entrance exam.

does he stay up studying every night? she wondered.

she wondered if he stayed up studying every night.

5. before/after + 从句(conj.) 或 doing sth. (prep.)

section b

6. permit v. 《书》 允许。

permit + do/n./doing 允许(某人)做某事 (与allow用法相同)

permission n. (ask one’s permission 征求某人允许)

7. pretty/fairly 相当地(程度副词) 在程度上比较,pretty/rather > quite > fairly


so: it’s so interesting a book. (so + adj. +不定冠词)

such/quite: it’s such an interesting book. (so + 不定冠词 + adj.)

very/pretty/fairly...it’s a very/pretty/fairly interesting book.

8. such用法:①如上(such a/an + adj. +n.) such + adj. +n.[c](pl.)/u]

such a + n.[c](sing) such a boy.

9. not...in the slightest = not...at all 一点也不。

10. bother v. 打扰 i am busy. don’t bother me right now.

i am sorry to bother you, but can you help me?

annoy v. 使。生气→make...angry

i was annoyed with him because he kopt in interrupting.

11. company n.[u] being with. 陪伴。

i am gradeful for your company on the journey.

12. 意为“宁可。也不。的句型。

would rather + v. 原形 + than + v. 原形。

would + v. 原形 + rather than + v. 原形。

prefer + to do + rather than + do sth. (指“这一次”)

prefer + doing/n./pron. +to + doing sth. (指“一般/通常情况下”)

self check

13. knowledge n.[u] 知识 knowledgeable adj. 知识渊博的 (able为形容词后缀)

14. represent v. 代表,表示 (represent重音在-sent上)

the red lines represent railways.

15. come top in ..在。名列前茅。

16. the rest of + n.[c](pl.) the不可省略;rest n. 剩余部分)

17. let sb. down 让某人失望 (let sth. down 让某物掉下)

i count on you to support me. don’t let me down. (count on 指望于)

18. think of ①to create an idea in your imagination. 想出。

who first thought of the plan?

sb. 为。考虑,着想 she never thinks of others, just herself.

what do you think of/about...你认为。怎么样?

think highly of sb. 高度赞扬某人。

think about 思考,考虑 let me think about it. (about 为介词)

think over 深思熟虑 me think it over. (over为副词)

19. come up with → find an answer/solution to solve sth. 想出。


20. come out ① be published 出版。

= appear 出现(指太阳,月亮,星星等)

开花 ④to become known

it was only after his death that the truth came out.

21. near和nearby (附近的)


we live in a nearby village.

we hope to meet again in the near future


near还可以作介词 stand near the window.

22. by accident 不小心,意外地 by chance 偶然地 by mistake 错误地。

23. cloth n.[u]布 a metre of cloth n.[u]有专门用途的布(如纱布)

clothes n.(pl.) 衣服。

clothing n.[u](formal)

24. hurry to do sth. =do sth. in a hurry 着急做某事。

25. hurt ①vt.(=injure) 伤害,伤到 (a part of body)/sb. +be/get + hurt/injured

vi. 疼 my knee got injured and it hurt terribly.

(a part of body) +hurt = 主 + feel pain/painful in + a part of body)

i felt some pain/painful in my knee.

26. 为某人提供某物 ①offer sb. sth. =offer sth. to sb.

provide sb. with sth. =provide sth. for sb.

27. hide sth. from sb. 把某物藏在某人找不到的地方 (hide-hid-hidden)

put sth. beyond one’s reach 把某物放到某人够不到的地方 (beyond 超出。范围)


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