
发布 2022-08-01 03:28:28 阅读 7654

unit 12 you are supposed to shake hands.

new words and expressions

shake v.摇动;震动 shake hands握手 custom风俗;习惯;习俗 bow v.鞠躬;弯腰

kiss 吻 relaxed放松的;宽松的 drop by顺便拜访 switzerland瑞士 land国家;国土。

after all毕竟 towards对于;关于 greet v.问候;向…打招呼 peru秘鲁 colombia哥伦比亚。

wipe v.擦;抹 napkin餐巾 make noise发出不愉快的声音 stick v.刺;戳;插 rude粗鲁的;无礼的 point v.

指向 go out of one’s way to do sth特地(不怕麻烦地)做某事 manner礼貌;礼仪;规矩(常用复数) table manners餐桌礼仪 make sb feel at home使某人感到宾至如归。

be/get used to 习惯于 fork叉子 full吃饱的 lap n.大腿;腰以下到膝为止的部分 elbow肘。

gradually逐渐地;渐渐地 particular特殊的;独特的 compliment n.称赞;恭维 toast n/v.敬酒;祝酒 unfamiliar不熟悉的;陌生的 spoon匙;调羹 crowd v.

挤满;充满 rubbish垃圾;废物。

seek v.寻找;** chatline聊天**(一种**交谈服务) online联机的;**的 type打字。

mostly adv.多半;主要地;通常 abbreviation缩略词;缩写形式 form v.构成;组成 phrase短语;词组 homophone同音异形异义词 combine v.

结合;组合 symbol象征;标志;符号 mark记号;符号 punctuation标点符号 emotion情感;感情 colon冒号 bracket括号 riddle谜语 learn…by oneself自学 proper合适的;恰当的 experiment试验;实验 pleased高兴的;满意的 queue v.排队 n.一队人 normally通常;正常地

grammar focus: be supposed to 的用法。

1. 当主语是人时:当be supposed to用在句子中, 主语是人时, 它表示“应该。被期望做。用于表示劝告,建议,义务,责任等。

eg. you are supposed to ask the teacher if you want to le**e the classroom.

2. 当主语是物时:当be supposed to用在句子中, 主语是物时, 它表示“本应;本该”,用于表示某事本应该发生而没有发生。

eg. the train was supposed to arrive ten minutes ago.

the meeting was supposed to take place on tuesday, but we've had to put it off.

3. be supposed to do sth 的否定形式: be not supposed to do sth 意为“不应该做某事”,表命令和禁止。

eg. you are not supposed to smoke on the bus/talk loudly in class.

4. be supposed to 的拓展用法: be supposed to 后接“h**e + 过去分词”, 表示“本应该做某事而没做”, eg.

you are supposed to h**e handed in your homework.

1. shake既可作及物动词,又可作不及物动词,其过去式和过去分词为shook, shaken.

eg. the dog shook himself dry.

shake hands with sb 握手(两个人握手) shake one's hand指一个人握另一个人的手。

eg. he shakes her hand warmly. tom shook hands with his best friends when they met again.

shake还可作动词, 意为“摇动;震动;抖动” eg. he answered no with a shake of head.

与shake相关的短语:shake one's head摇头 shake down安顿下来 shake up摇匀。

shake off抖掉;摆脱。

2. bow 鞠躬;弯腰 eg he bowed low to the crowd.

n. 鞠躬;低头 eg. betty g**e her teacher a bow and moved away.

n. 弓; 蝴蝶结 eg. he can bend a strong bow. she likes this beautiful bow.

与bow相关的单词: bow弓 rainbow彩虹 eyebow眉毛 elbow肘部。

3. on time/in time

in time 及时,不迟 will i be in time to catch the train?

on time 按时,准时 the train arrived on time.

4. above all /after all/ first of all/ in all

above all“尤其是;最重要的是”,强调特别对待,类似于especially.

eg. we must work, and above all we must believe in ourselves.

after all “毕竟;终究;到底” eg. he has come after all.

first of all “首先”,表示一种次序。 eg. first of all, let me introduce myself.

in all“总共;总计eg. we h**e 200 editorial staff in all.

5. happen /occur /take place

happen表示的“发生”一般都是突发性的,特别指偶然或未能预料到的。 既可指愉快的事,也可指不愉快的事。 eg.

new things are happening all around us.

它还可接动词不定式及用于it happens that…结构中,表示“碰巧”之意。 eg. it happens that i am free today.

occur除可表示“(偶然)发生”外, 还可表示预料中的“发生”。它还可指“出现”, 强调某事物的实际存在。另外还表示“被想到;被想起”, 强调呈现于人的知觉, 较多地用于:

it occurs to sb that…及it occurs to sb to do sth结构中。

eg. something unexpected occurred/happened. it never occurred to me to phone you.

take place常指按计划进行或者按计划发生。 eg. a concert will soon take place.

6. mistake /error /wrong /fault

mistake强调日常生活中判断和看法的错误。 eg. it was a mistake buying that car.

error强调违反某一标准所做的错事,包括道德上的错误。 eg. he can’t forget the errors of his youth.

wrong指不义行为,犯罪,罪恶,错误。 eg. her son can do no wrong in her eyes.

fault强调过失的责任或性格上的弱点。 eg. it is my fault that we are late.

此外还有些固定搭配: in error搞错 by mistake弄错 find fault with sb/sth挑某人/某事的错。

7. say /speak /talk /tell(略)

8. land n. 陆地;国家;土地 eg. do you like to tr**el over land or sea?

v. 着陆 eg. the plane landed safely.

与land相关的短语: land at(使)登陆;到达 land on(使)在。上登陆。

broad land 广阔的土地 land for sale土地销售。

9. turn /become / get / go /grow变化。

become强调变化的结果。 不与动词不定式连用 eg. he has become a famous singer.

get指短时间的变化, 常和形容词连用,不能和名词连用 eg. the weather is getting colder.

grow指逐渐长成而“成为。eg. he has grown into a fine young man.

turn指性质,品质,状态发生变化,后面可接形容词或副词。 eg. her face turned red.


eg. fish soon goes bad in hot weather.

10. point at / point to / point out

point at “指着” ,表用某物对准某人或某物,多指近处的人或物。

point to“指向”, 表用手或指针朝向某人或某物,多指远处的人或物。

point out “指出(问题,错误,优点,缺点等)”

eg. the teacher is pointing at the map.

he pointed to the high mountain far away.

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