八上英语笔记M7 复习

发布 2021-05-12 05:58:28 阅读 7669

感官系动词: look(看起来), sound (听起来), smell (闻起来), taste (尝起来), feel (摸起来),后面接形容词作表语。如:

the soup tastes delicious.

he looked unhappy yesterday.


the soup doesn’t taste delicious.

did he look unhappy yesterday?

系动词还可以+ like +名词, 表示 “看、听、闻、尝、摸起来像…”如:

the tree looks like an umbrella.

it sounds like a good idea.

短语。1. what’s the matter? 出了什么事?

what’s the trouble?

what’s the problem?

what’s wrong?

what’s the matter/the trouble/the problem/wrong with sb. ?某人出了什么事?

2. too + 形容词/副词原级太…

it’s too expensive. 它太贵了。

3. i’m afraid + 句子我恐怕…

i’m afraid he won’t come.


4. h**e a try 试一试。

h**e a look 看一看

5. both a and b …

a和b都… (谓语动词复数)

both tony and mike h**e seen the movie.

6. so many + 可数名词那么多的…

so much + 不可数名词

7. 不定式to do可以做目的状语。如:

we’re going to the airport to meet sally. 我们打算去机场接sally.

we’re coming back here to h**e something to eat. 我们将回来这里吃点东西。

8. what be sb. like?


what does/do sb. look like?


9. introduce a to b 把a介绍给b

10. sure we will.


11. hear of/about 听说

hear from sb. 收到某人的来信

get/receive a letter from sb.

i h**e just heard from my father.

= i h**e just received a letter from my father.

12. can’t wait to do sth. 迫不及待去做某事

the children can’t wait to open the presents.

13. i hope + 句子我希望….

i hope it will be a fine day tomorrow.

14. too/ so/ quite/very + adj./adv. 的原级。


15. thank you/ thanks for doing sth.


thanks for helping me. 谢谢你帮助我。

16. as well,too, also 都表示 “也”,区别:

also放在句中, as well 放句末,too放句末,有逗号隔开。

i also like pop music.

i like pop music as well.

i like pop music, too.

17. be proud of … 为…感到自豪

today we are proud of our school. tomorrow our school will be proud of us.

18. be/get angry with sb. 对某人感到生气

xiao ming’s mother got angry with him.

19.a bit/a little + adj./adv. (原级), 表示 “有点…”,如:

it’s a bit/a little hot today.


a bit/a little + adj./adv. (比较级),表示“更…一点”,如:

you are a bit/ a little taller than him.


a bit和a little都可以修饰不可数名词, a bit 要加of , 如:

there is a little bread.

there is a bit of bread.

20. help sb. do sth. 帮助某人做某事。

help sb. with sth. 在某方面帮助某人。

21. be afraid of doing sth.


i’m afraid of going to the teachers’ office.

22. exciting和excited都是形容词。区别是:exciting指(某物)令人感到激动的 excited 指(某人)激动的如:

skiing is very exciting.


i was very excited to hear the good news.


be excited about doing sth.


we are excited about going for a picnic.


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