
发布 2021-02-10 11:03:28 阅读 6618


1.一个叫 alice的女孩 a girl called alice

2.在河边by the river

3.一只带着手表的白兔 a white rabbit with a watch

4.从她身边跑过 run past/ by her

5跟在兔子后面 follow the rabbit

6.掉进地里的洞里 fall down a hole in the ground

7. 到达arrive at/in

get to

reach8.无事可做 h**e nothing to do

9.一两次 once or twice

10.没有插图和对话 without pictures or conversations

11.没什么奇怪的 nothing strange

12.从它兜里掏出手表 take a watch out of its pocket

13.跟着。跑 run after

14.跟着它跑过田野run across the field after it

15.考虑 think about

16.落在一堆干叶子上 land on some dry le**es

17.朝着大家笑 smile at everyone

18.(灯,火)熄灭go off


20.下落,跌落 fall down

从。下落,跌落 fall down from// fall off


22.打翻 knock over

23.很久以前 once upon a time

24.睡着 be/ fall asleep

和姐姐正坐在河边。alice was sitting with her sister by the river.

2.他们正在花园里开茶会。 they were h**ing a tea party in the garden.

3.她在玩一种奇怪的游戏。 she was playing a strange game.

4.一只粉红色眼睛的白兔子从她身边跑了过去。 a white rabbit with pink eyes ran by her.

5.太黑了,她什么也看不见。 it was too dark for her to see anything.

6.昨天早上7点钟我正在吃早饭。 i was h**ing breakfast a7 yesterday.

7.昨天这个时候他在看**。 he was reading a novelatthis time yesterday.

8.她每个月去游一两次泳。 she goes swimming once or twice a month.


this is the stupidest tea party i’ve been to in all my life.


once or twice she looked into her sister’s book.


be quick. or you will be asleep again before it’s done.


八上 m6 1.保护濒危动物 protect animals in danger 2.夺走它们的土地和森林 take away their land and forests 3.允许某人做某事 allow sb.to do 告诉某人做某事tell sb.to do 叫。做某事 ask sb.to d...


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八上m8 1.看起来脸色苍白 look pale 2.一场事故 an accident 3.听 listen to music 4.过马路 cross the road 5.用手机交谈 talk on the mobile phone 6.及时停下来 stop in time 7.从自行车上摔下来 ...