初中英语阶段短语 重点

发布 2021-02-05 02:18:28 阅读 7962


1. 听 listen to

2. 开车 drive a car

3. 弹琴 play the piano

4. 骑自行车/马 ride a bike / horse5. 起立 stand up

6. 坐下 sit down

7. 玩电脑 play computer games8. 做运动 do sports

9. 踢足球 play football

10.看电视 watch television11.讲英语 speak english

12来自 come from=be from13.打篮球 play basketball14.打乒乓球 play table tennis15.打网球 play tennis

16.欢迎某人到某地 welcome sb. to17.在医院 at the hospital18.在大学 in a university19.在附近 next to

20.在。前面 in front of

21.上演 be on

22. 邀请某人。 invite do

23.看电影 see a film=go to the cinema24.在电影院 at the cinema25.上课 h**e lessons

26.11:30 half past eleven27.起床 get up

28.吃早餐h**e breakfast

29.上学 go to the school30.休息 h**e a break

31.和某人讲话 talk to sb.

32.吃午饭 h**e lunch

33.回家 go home

34.吃晚饭 h**e dinner/supper35.做作业 do one’s homework36.睡觉 go to bed

37.开晚会 h**e a party/at the party38.谈论 talk about

39.想起 think of

40.一盒朱古力 a box of chocolates41.许多 a lot of /lots of42.写下 write down

43.上网 go online

44.发送邮件 send emails

45.保存文件 s**e the document46.开启 switch on = turn on47.

在电脑上 on the computer48.浏览** visit the website49.立刻,马上at once

50.保持健康 stay healthy

51.从。** download …from52.

在周末 at the weekend53.检查时间表 check the timetable54.各种各样的 all kinds of55.

写信给某人 write to. sb.

56.制定旅游计划 make tr**el plans57.居住在哪 live in

58.五千 five thousand

成千的 thousands of

59.与。连接 connect …to

60.还有许多 many more

61.一双运动鞋 a pair of trainers62.一条牛仔裤 a pair of jeans63.在星期天 on sunday

64.12点20 twelve twentytwenty past twelve

65.喜欢做某事 like doing sth.

66.呆在家里 stay at home

67.健康食品 healthy food

68.上三节化学课 h**e three chemistry lessons

69. (某人)有 h**e(has) got70.谢谢做某事 thank you for doing71.

在国际学校 at international school72.举行篮球赛h**e a basketball match73.姓 family name/名 given name36.

到达小地方arrive at

37.到达大地方arrive in

38.到达这儿 get here

39.到达那儿 get there

40.到家 get home

41.需要去 need to do sth42.努力工作(学习)work hard

43.多于 more than

44.思考 think about

45.讲故事 tell a story

46.在…未 at the end of

47.装满 be filled with

be full of

48. 在世界上 in the world49.从……到…… from… to…

50.其中之一one of

51.几百万 millions of

52.出生于be born

53.有一天one day

54.敲门knock on

55.匆匆赶去hurry to

56.检起pick up

57.向四周看look around

58.变成change into

59.指向point to

60.做运动do sports

61.成了碎片be in pieces

62.首先/初起at first

63.最后at last

64.从前once upon a time65.去(乘),去兜风go for a ride66.

对(某人)严格要求be strict with67.对(某事)严格要求be strict to do68.教师节teachers’ day

69儿童节 children’s day

70.妇女节women’s day

71.劳动节labour day

72.国庆节national day

73.搬到move to

74.决定做decide to do…

75.走靠,离开do away

76.在……岁时at the age of77.其中最出名的作家之一。

one of the most famous writers78.在地球上on earth

79.返回 return to=come back to80.最近的消息the latest news81.在度假on holiday

82.去散步go for a walk

83.问候say hello to

84.和……一起玩play with


a 38-year-old national hero初二英语(上)重点短语。

1.写下,记下 write down

2.互相,彼此 each other

3. 笔友 pen friend

4.过得快乐 enjoy yourself5.总是,一直 all the time

6.为何不做…? why not do---7. 提一些建议give some advice8.起飞 , 脱下 take off

9. 卖光 sell out

10.全中国 all over china11.出差 on business

12.到达 arrive in / at =get to13.在某方面帮某人 help sb with sth14.成为现实,实现 come true

15.超过,多于 more than

16. 多快 how soon

17.多久 how long

18.去过某地 h**e /has been to19.去了某地 h**e gone to

20.听说 hear of = hear about21.参加 take part in

22.与…相处( 融洽 ) get on well with23.退学,辍学 drop out of school24.

照顾look after =take care of25.不得不 h**e to

26.付款pay for

27.由于….because of


7a重点短语。for thank you for 为 而感谢。pal pen friend 笔友。3.lots of a lot of 许多,大量。4.in english 用英语。5.first name given name 名字。6.last name 姓氏。7.be short for 是。...


for thank you for 为 而感谢 friend 笔友。3.lots of a lot of 许多,大量 4.in english 用英语。5.first name given name 名字 6.last name 姓氏。7.be short for 是。的缩写,简称 be short...


1.see hear,notice find feel,listento,look at感官动词 sb sthdo eg iikewatchingmonkeysjump,我喜欢看猴子跳,2.比较级and比较级 表示越来越。3.a piece of cake easy小菜一碟 容易 赞成某人。5.al...