
发布 2021-02-10 11:05:28 阅读 2166


1.在我们校队 in our school team

2.和。对抗 play against

3.不是。而是。not ..but...

4.尽可能早到 arrive as early as possible

5.尽可能多说英语 speak english as much as possible

6.以便,为的是 so that

7.热身 warm up

8.到达北京 get to bj

9.到达那儿 get there

10.比以往训练更努力train harder than usual

11.打败我们 beat us

12.赢了比赛 win the match

13.输了比赛 lose the match

14.未击中球miss the ball

15.变暗 get dark

16.决赛 the final match

17.迟到 be lat

18.对。满意 be pleased with

19.团队合作的更好 play better as a team

20.训练地更认真 train more carefully

21,漫不经心地传球 pass the ball carelessly

22.输给另一只队伍 lose to the other team

23.有更好的获胜机会 h**e a better chance of winning the match

24.大声为我们加油 cheer us on loudly

25.昨晚的网球赛 last night' s tennis match

26.对…确信 be sure of/about

27.许多 plenty of

28.擅长跑步 be good at running

1.比分是多少? what' s the score?


the match on tv was so boring, because no one scored.

3.打棒球比打排球更令人兴奋。 playing baseball is more exciting than playing volleyball.

4. 有什么比踢足球更令人高兴了的。 nothing is more enjoyable than playing football.

5.听**令人放松。 listening to music is relaxing.

6.呆在家比去体育场简单。 staying at home is easier than going to the stadium.

7.你怎么了?你看起来很累。 what's the matter with you? you look tired.

8.我的膝盖受伤了。 i hurt my knee.


never mind. there's still plenty of time for them to score.

10.打乒兵球比棒球更安全。playing table tennis is safer than playing baseball.

11.我们尽可能早到,以便我们有时间热身。we arrive as early as we can so that we h**e time to warm up.

12.冬天训练会更难,因为白天短,天气冷 。

it’s difficult to practice in winter, because the days are short and the weather is cold.

13.下周,我们将要和另一所学校打比赛。 we will play against another school next week.

14.游泳比踢足球更放松, swimming is more relaxing than playing football.

15.他们大声为我们欢呼加油。 they cheer us on loudly.

16..没有什么比学英语更有趣了的。 nothing is more interesting than learning english.

17.打网球比打排球更令人兴奋。 playing tennis is more exciting than playing volleyball.


our coach is pleased with us because we are playing better as a team.


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八上m8 1.看起来脸色苍白 look pale 2.一场事故 an accident 3.听 listen to music 4.过马路 cross the road 5.用手机交谈 talk on the mobile phone 6.及时停下来 stop in time 7.从自行车上摔下来 ...